Monday, July 6, 2009

Country roads, take me home!

I welcome you today to a brand new work week here on a Monday, July 6, 2009. We had a wonderful 4th of July three day weekend. We left at 6 a.m. and were able to travel over to Louisiana on Saturday to visit my mom and dad. We enjoyed our day visit with them, laughing, loving, and remembering the blessings God has provided to us through these wonderful people. There's always something interesting when you return to where you were raised up. Driving into the small town always brings back so many memories. Memories of days gone by. Memories of buddies and folks that made an impact on my life. Many of those are now gone on to their reward. Many of their children and grandchildren now lead the community and while there is a few improvements here and there, it still remains somewhat the same. That sameness is refreshing in many ways. I've known people who I've heard say they hoped they would never see the place their grew up in again. I am thankful because I have never felt that way.

We spent the day enjoying walks down memory lane, reviewing all the details of family, friends, and current matters. This is basically how it went throughout the day. It was a day of enjoying a couple of meals, some good and strong Community Coffee, and some wonderful conversations. They still have a vegetable garden each season. The drought has made growing difficult this year along with the varmints, birds, and other challenges. We love homegrown tomatoes. Mom talked about how that when she was a little girl they never had store bought bread because they always had homemade, typically cornbread or biscuits. She used to visit a girlfriend whose family owned a grocery store so they had sliced bread in their home. The friend introduced her to eating homegrown tomato sadwiches and they were so-o-o-o-o good! Slice up a juicy tomato and carefully place the slices on sliced bread that have been plastered with a good wallop of Mircle Whip, (Sorry but regular mayonnaise will not get the job done!), then you eat this delicacy with a nice glass of cold milk. Bam! Eat your heart out Emeril!

We left them along with my sister and then dropped by to visit my wife's sister and her husband. Family. Thank God for family. We arrived back home at 9 p.m. It had a been a long day but one that as my mom said, "You are never too old to build new memories." That's not a bad assessment of God's blessing in allowing us this time together. Last night my wife and I were asking each other what we were going to eat for our evening meal. I sat there for a moment and remembered the story about the tomato sandwich. Mom had sent a large bag of homegrown tomatoes home with us. Perfect! I carefully followed the procedure listed above and added a slice of American cheese just because that's the way I like it. My wife goes with the standard bacon, lettuce and tomato but I've eaten just plain tomato sandwiches for as long as I can remember. I can't remember ever hearing that story about my mom's girlfriend but if it had anything to do with me learning to love those sandwiches, well, praise the Lord for the folks who could afford store bought bread! Pray for our country. Pray for each other. And, may God bless each and everyone! Amen. .....More later.

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