Monday, March 30, 2009

Morning in America, wake up and return to God!

Good morning and welcome to a brand new work week on this Monday, March 30, 2009. I hope and pray that you had a wonderful Saturday and Sunday. I've been fighting an internet service problem since we had a huge blowing storm last Wednesday evening. The storm didn't last long but it was some very strong and scary bursts of wind before it passed on through. That was some of the experience I talked about in dealing with the service technicians located in India. However, I have discovered there is a contact line here in the states that works from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. that deals with internet related problems. I know it may not sound politically correct but I'll just have to make it clear, I do much better when the person I am talking to actually understands what I am saying and I understand what they are saying. I was talking to a person in St. Louis about the problem and he just chuckled, gave me this different number, and added the comment that this particular line would always be answered by someone on this side of the pond. The internet did come back up at our home on Friday evening but it ran much slower than usual and went back off by Saturday morning. You don't realize how much you use something until it is out of service and this reminded me of how that email has now become such a huge part of our communication link with those near and far away.

Much has been made of a radio commentator's comments about how that he wishes Obama will fail. The media and administration officials have made great headway in trying to paint this individual as being unpatriotic and mean spirited. However, for those who have taken the time to understand exactly what this man has been saying it is clear that he only hopes Mr. Obama's policies will fail, in particular, those that will harm the American way of life in terms of our freedom and prosperity. I hope any policy that continues to move us away from the founder's principles will fail. I hope any policy that continues to move us away from what we know God's will to be will fail. I hope any and all policies designed to have government become the dominating influence in every aspect of our lives will fail. None of us should hope our President succeeds in destroying the things we hold dear as Americans. Don't allow people to bully you or intimidate you, because if you and I do not stand up for those things that are right and against those things that will hurt future generations, then we have given up without even a fight.

I sent an article around to my boys that told about how the new administration is renaming things left and right. Everything about terrorism will have fresh new titles and names. Those who hate us and wish to destroy us will be tagged with less offensive names. The writer went on and on about these changes that will make us more appealing to our European partners and others in the world in general. This shell game is nothing more than a charade but it could be very dangerous whenever we fail to recognize and call those who would do us harm to be exactly what they are: enemies bent on destroying us and our way of life. This new team seems to think they can either fool or confuse the American public but also may actually believe that changing the names will change the hearts and minds of those committed to our destruction. The Bible is filled with this type of gimmickry where people who were supposed to be God's very own used the right words and rituals but were far away from Him in their hearts. Today, America needs a revival. We need a revival back to the God who helped establish us as a nation. Calling the killing of unborn children a medical procedure will not change the true name that God will hold us accountable for. Changing what God calls an abomination into something that sounds acceptable will not change the judgment that is coming if we persist in mocking Him and His Word. I know you didn't sign up for this heavy handed approach on a Monday but here's exactly what happened: I came in, sat down, and this is what came out! May God help us all is my prayer! Amen. .....More later.

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