Tuesday, December 16, 2008

One of those old space heaters would feel good to back up to on this cold morning!

Here's a brief status update: One of our dear Christian brothers who was our local Church music leader for many years used to always say that regardless of the circumstances: God is good all the time; all the time God is good. That is true but it helps to be reminded of this when you seem to be surrounded by the ups and downs that come in this life. My wife has essentially worn herself out with trying to be the mother of everyone involved in our dear Bro. Milton's health crisis. I have seen it coming but she typically only agrees with me after the fact. She had to go to bed yesterday afternoon and hopefully she will awake this morning with a refreshed spirit and some recovered strength. Our eldest granddaughter Tiffany also had a scare yesterday with some chest pains and numbness, however, we are thankful that it was not as serious as it could have been, and they think she suffered from an anxiety attack. Our middle son Jimmy is scheduled for a heart procedure on Friday and we continue to pray God's help into his life. All of these things constitute the fabric of life as we work our way homeward. In addition to these we have the continuing saga of restoring our home with scheduling, coordination, and deadlines to meet. All we can say at this time is that God is good all the time; all the time God is good!

But how in the world are you anyway on this cold Tuesday morning, December 16, 2008? Here in these parts yesterday morning the temperature dropped like a huge rock falling off the side of a mountain. I made my rounds to open all our shop buildings just before 6 a.m. in my shirtsleeves with the temp around 60 degrees F. By 10 a.m. it hit 41 degrees F with a wind chill putting it into the high thirties. Just last Wednesday we had snow and patches of ice around the area and by Saturday we were back in the high seventies. I know everyone talks about how that if you don’t like the weather just wait a little while because it will change but in our area that seems to be a regular event. I suppose we should all be glad it’s not February 8, 1933. On that day the state of Texas reported it’s coldest temperature of record, -23 degrees F. That was up in the panhandle but the entire state was gripped by the cold. Here in our immediate area the lowest ever recorded was 5 degrees F back in 1930.

The coldest temperature ever recorded for our country was near –80 degrees F in Northern Alaska in January 1971. The lowest in the lower 48 was near –70 degrees F in Montana in 1954. Actually I was not surprised that Hawaii is the only state never to experience a below zero day, however, they did record a 12 degrees F reading on one of their mountaintops in 1979. This means our teeth may chatter a little as the blustering wind cuts through us but I can’t even imagine how life threatening some of the record lows would be. Even as I write this blog there are folks up in the Northeast that are digging out from under a blizzard that has knocked out power for several days. Over in the west, many states are registering below freezing temps and some with their highs being in the low minus teens. Reviewing these numbers may make our cold snap a little more bearable? What do you think?

Cold or no cold we persevere. We found out during the recent hurricane that there are a huge number of elements we have no control over. We were without power for three and one half weeks but I can hardly imagine how that would be in minus zero temperatures. In the end we do not subscribe to the survival of the fittest model, we follow the survival of the faithful model because cold or no cold, electricity or no electricity, our future is in the hands of our heavenly Father, Creator of all things. The little children have it right when they sing “He’s got the whole world in His hands.” The news may report something very much in conflict with the appearance of His control but that doesn’t in any way change the truth. This is the measure of our belief, that is, our acceptance of Him and His word regardless of how things are reported or how our feelings inform us during difficult times. The world calls this foolish but what would we expect from those who refuse to respond to the God who made them? Our answer comes in the form of us living out our faith that demonstrates in Whom we have placed our trust. Therefore, put on a sweater or two and look up for our redemption ever draws near! Amen. …..more later.

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