Thursday, December 11, 2008

Oh, magnify the Lord with me!

It's Thursday already on this 11th day of December, 2008. We have good news! Yes, it did snow some yesterday and last night but that isn't the good news. The good news is how that God has worked to bring our Bro. Milton through his open heart surgery and the doctor said it went better than he would have ever hoped! Now that is something to thank God for. The Psalmist David said it this way: "Oh, magnify the Lord with me, And let us exalt His name together." This was the theme of those gathered at the hospital yesterday. We were knocked down by the many believing medical staff including the heart surgeon who not only offered their skills and talents, but their personal prayers. Having your surgeon offer a prayer with the family before undertaking such a serious procedure is not something that happens every day. In many ways time for us has more or less stopped since last Saturday morning. Yes, we still have a house to put back together. Yes, we still have jobs to see after and our 'to do' list has not gone away. But, it's amazing how priorities shift and attention towards God and the seeking of His help becomes first in line. We are not out of the woods but we are where we are by the grace of God and today they begin the process of waking him up and starting his recovery and rehabilitation. Meanwhile, we will get back to doing life in all of its hustle and bustle but we will never forget how God has provided in this situation. One testimony from our nephew Byron reflects how people of faith connect the dots. Byron believes that God provided for his dad the world class care he has received in helping to locate and deal with the source of a problem that has plagued him, perhaps for years. Had Bro. Milton been at his residence in Florida or at the small retirement home they are building in Louisiana, then he would not have survived due to distance alone. He was able to be at the ER here within twenty minutes and they had to resuscitate him three times upon his arrival. Byron puts it this way: "God sent an old pine tree calling at your address so that dad could finally get to the root of his problems." Wow! That's a remarkable reading of what it means to serve a God who works all things for good to those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose. Thanks so much for all your prayers and please continue to lift up Bro. Milton as these next days and weeks will be critical in his recovery. May God receive all praise and honor from this event in our lives. Amen. .........More later.

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