Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's Wednesday, time to 'simonize' our watches!

Welcome to Wednesday's version of my wanderings through the wilderness on this 15th day of October 2008. Yes, I am aware that the word in the title should be synchronize but I like the one I used and it points out how that we can be close but yet so far away especially when we think we have it all together. You already know I have a thing about the day-week focus of most people. Yesterday I talked about how that all we have in this life comes from God and since we who are believers are only here temporarily, then we should focus our time and attention on the things that really do count for eternity. Time is one of the crucial components of our existence here on the planet. It drives most of us and actually controls much of our lives, how we perceive our success or failure, and even how we make sense out of the things we try to accomplish. God gave us time and when we use it properly it can help keep the life He's given to us in a healthy perspective. One of the important steps is when we can reach a point where we recognize that all of our time actually belongs to Him along with who we are and all we are and all we will ever hope to be.

We tend to divide time into components that make sense to us. We have our work week. We have our after work activities. We have our weekends. We have time set aside for family, friends, and even have a space assigned for Church, worship, and meeting with other believers. We divide these into units and seek to come up with some little slack here and there that we can pronounce to be 'me time'. How much better it would be if we could realize that all time belongs to God and we are managers of the entirety of all that He has given to us, including the seven days that make up each week, the months we count, the years we observe, and every minute of every day is a provision that can be used up either wisely for His honor and glory, or wasted in lost opportunities and fruitless endeavors. We start with recognizing that for the most part we have become enslaved to 'time' in one way or another. I am a very 'routine' oriented person. I get up typically at the same time each day, I go through the same start up activities, I pursue where I am and where I should be based on the clock, and none of this is bad if the routines I follow are in keeping with my acknowledgement of God and His ownership of all things in my life, and if my desires are to use it all to please Him and serve others.

While it may seem like a small thing to realign our thoughts and intentions around His 100% ownership of all things including every second we are here on the planet, I can tell you from years of trying, that it is a huge challenge but when I have made progress in this area it has revolutionized my walk with God and my ability to make choices in the pursuit of the life He has given to me. We observe the Apostle Paul who to me reflected a person so tuned in to the mission God had given to him, he comes across as being nearly out of breath on every page we read. Paul was not concerned about burn out, he wanted to make every minute count for the honor and glory of God and in reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His schedule was not for the faint hearted. He required much from himself and pushed others around him to be all they could be in using, not abusing, the precious resource of 'time' as provided by God. When we have ourselves and our interests as the main focal point of how we view time and we allow this to drive our schedules, we will always be frustrated in our pursuits, worn out in our efforts, and never able to quite get there. When we have God in His rightful place as the owner of us and everything about us, and we respond from that perspective, and begin to do the 'all things' that make up our life, then we can enjoy the sense of purpose, fulfillment, and fellowship that comes from our efforts to be that good and faithful servant desiring as the outcome of our life to one day hear Him say: "Well done!" Food for thought and consideration on this rainy Wednesday. May God help us to use ALL He has given to us wisely as we seek to please Him! Amen. .....More later.

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