Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 'Ike' the storm and 'Ike' the man, as well as the storm of hate that hit our shores on this day, seven years ago!

It’s a typical Thursday here on the 11th day of September 2008. Speaking of not having a Ronald Reagan running in this year’s election, we do, however, have a storm brewing and perhaps bearing down on us by the name of Ike. That reminded me of another very famous Ike, Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was our triumphant Supreme Allied Commander and leader of victory in WW2, and our president from 1953 to 1961. As we deal with facing the potential storm in the gulf it reminds us of the stormy challenges facing our next president. Many of you by now must think I am a committed pessimist but as one protested a number of years ago, “I not only deny the allegation, I also deny the alligator.” Thinking about Eisenhower conjures up this question: Where have all the statesmen gone? (Look for his farewell address on the web. It’s a quick read but full of wisdom as recorded on January 17, 1961.)

I’m not saying men like Eisenhower or Reagan were somehow without any blemishes or faults but to me they reflected a sense of what one looks up to in a leader, duty, honor, integrity, and a presence that communicates command and purpose. Symbolism is extremely important as we attempt to be the country God would have us to be. It reflects a commitment to principles that transcend the gimmicks that plays off economic self-centeredness and calls us all to a purpose greater than ourselves. Many too soon forget how men like Eisenhower brought to an end a worldwide threat that could have easily enslaved future generations. (Do a web search on documentaries on Hitler and his cronies lest you forget the range and reach of his evil.) Today literally millions are free from a form of totalitarian communism because Ronald Reagan listened to his heart instead of the appeasement advice that came from near and far.

As we make our way early into this 21st Century odyssey the world is overflowing with all kinds of threats. These threats include those who would enslave the world by force to follow their fanatical religious views. Those who refuse to yield are to be exterminated. That is the Jihad being pursued! It’s a world where the forces of evil once contained are on the march again. The recent invasion by Russia of a free and independent Georgia is a profile in the weak kneed leadership that predominates governments today. Everyone has complained but because of the oil supplies provided by the Russians, no one is willing to act. Now, after much gnashing and wailing of teeth, the United States has officially thrown in the towel because we would have to go it alone. Forget about right and wrong, it’s become only what is in the immediate self interests that wins the day. Had Reagan accepted this premise we wouldn’t even be talking about this issue because there would be no free and independent Georgia to invade. Is anyone paying attention?

I leave you with one final example. Today we pause to remember what happened on September 11, 2001. I will never forget that day. I was at my workstation listening to the BBC broadcast on my radio whenever the newscaster broke in with a live report of some type of calamitous event taking place in New York City. What followed after that first report was a day that will live in infamy for us all. That my friend is the real stormy world our next president will inherit and that’s why I pray God will bring us someone (or bring out in one of the current candidates) a leader who will seek to lead in a way that will, with courage and determination, honor our heritage of freedom and faith. There’s always hope because of the One in whom we trust! Amen. …..More later.

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