Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wars and Rumors of Wars!

Here are some thought provoking tidbits for Thursday, August 21, 2008. I had my regular medical checkup yesterday and it went very well. I will still do blood work to confirm that everything is on track but at this time I am very thankful for the way in which the diabetes is being controlled. We got the medical stuff out of the way rather quickly because my doctor who doubles as a theologian wanted to discuss how the invasion by Russia of Georgia fits into the biblical prophetic timeline. He had plenty to say about his view that this act of aggression was in keeping with the Prophet Daniel’s vision from Chapter 8. I tried to be polite but to tell the truth I was actually more focused on my medical condition than trying to evaluate all the stuff he was throwing out to me. At one point he said, “Come on Mr. Bible Scholar, think with me!” I appreciate this doctor and how he has helped me thus far, and I always enjoy talking about the Bible, but I’m not sure I want these types of discussions to become the main event when I go for my checkups!

At the same time, I am very aware of the seriousness of Russia’s sledgehammer approach in Georgia whenever a fly swatter would have been a more appropriate response. They did exactly what they wanted to do as a way of signaling to everyone in the world their intentions. While I continue to support our president, I will tell you that I was shocked several years ago whenever he said he had looked into Vladimir Putin’s eyes and saw the soul of a good man. That must have made for much bewilderment back in the Kremlin as they know him for what he is, a KGB leader who still carries cold war sentiments in his psyche. The word ruthless comes to mind as I think about how he has moved to tighten or take away the democratic freedoms of the Russian people. Meanwhile many Americans are still wondering why Russia would care about Georgia, since Jimmy Carter is no longer president. (While it sounds like a joke it really does reflect on far too many in their understanding of what is going on.)

The stakes, I’m afraid, are very high. If the western world allows Russia to invade its neighbors without consequence, then we have not seen the last of this type of incursion. Essentially, the Russians are betting on the US being stretched too thin to do anything while the UN, EU, and NATO have proven themselves over time to mostly make noise as opposed to flexing any real muscle. Control of the oil resources in that part of the world could rearrange the board as it relates to Russia’s influence and power. That’s certainly enough for the power brokers there to play the risk-reward game.

Bottom line, we wake up everyday to a dangerous world. However, when it comes to those who believe they have the power, they are fooling themselves because only God has ultimate authority and power over all things including what goes on in far away places. His plan is proceeding. His purpose is at hand. He will deal with all those who oppose His righteous rule. Some do trust in their armaments and military prowess but we who are called by the name of our Savior, we trust in the Lord our God. We pray for peace for the people of Georgia and we pray that freedom will be restored in their land. At the same time we rely on the Prince of Peace to be our hope both now and forever! Amen. ….More later.

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