Monday, August 11, 2008

Scattered To Partly Clouded Thoughts on a Monday!

It's me again on an early Monday morning, August 11, 2008. As I sit here at the keyboard and screen I don't really have a great target for my blog today. I will eventually write one about why I've decided not to watch the Olympics this year. I am rooting for my country and I pray for the safety of all involved but personally I am grieved by the way in which people are fawning over China who has many of our brothers and sisters in Christ locked away and out of sight even as the events unfold with all their fanfare. I could write about spending quality time with our Lexie (Lex), and Brady (Bray Bray) but you hear so much about my grandchildren, I know that does tend to drag on. I will tell you this: Lexie is a marvelous child and that Brady is a little firecracker who stuck to his Poppy like glue. But you would have guessed I would fall all over myself when telling about my time with the grand kids.

I have a birthday coming up Saturday and my Bible study class brought some breakfast treats in honor of that occasion. There were many very kind things said and I do appreciate them all. These are some special people and I am so very much blessed and privileged to have the opportunity to share God's word with each of them. We came to know many of these folks back in the mid 1970's and they have proven themselves to be people of integrity, character and love. One of our long term Christian brothers has been facing some real health challenges of late and I was able to visit him yesterday in the rehab center. He had said something before about how he loved my wife's lasagna and how that back in the old days every time we had a Church eating meeting he looked forward to it because she often made it for the occasion. Therefore, when I visited I carried him a covered dish of that cheesy delight and told him I wasn't certain he could eat it because it was so very rich. He quickly said he didn't care how rich it was, he would be eating it! What a blessing to spend time with him and his dear wife.

Like I say, I really can't think of much to write about today but certainly can always express my thankfulness to God for His goodness, mercy, grace, and love. The longer I hang around this life it is the more I recognize my need of Him and His provision. When I worked for the big company for so many years I used to tell vendors who worked hard to get my business that I would not wish myself on anyone else. That was because of me being a very demanding customer who set high expectations. However, the further I go and the more I appreciate my own failings and sinfulness, it is the more I am thankful for the grace of God given to me as a gift based on the finished work of Jesus on The Cross. The writer had it exactly right, it is Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! Maybe tomorrow I'll be a little more organized in my thoughts. Until then, have a great Monday and may God bless you and yours. Amen. ....More later.

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