Thursday, June 19, 2008

You Have to Do It Intentionally!

Thursday's thoughts. Good morning, afternoon, or evening depending upon when you read this blog. Perhaps you landed on it by mistake because I've received several notes from folks who have. Maybe you are running late today because you do have other things in your life other than reading the stuff I put together. One of the beautiful things about the way in which the internet works is how you can do it whenever you can do it, on your schedule, 24 hours a day. Last night we had a lady visiting in our mid-week Bible study who was from Canada. She was down in our area because her daughter was having some tests run and could be facing some serious medical complications. If you show up at a Wednesday evening gathering as a visitor, you can be sure you did so intentionally. This lady had a wonderful countenance and she was very comfortable with our little group. Why? One reason is that she knew and we knew that in the truest sense of the word, God's word in fact, she was a sister in Christ to us all. Therefore, in many ways it was like coming into a family gathering. We were blessed to be able to pray for her daughter and to enjoy fellowship with her.

Her being there reminded me of the several years that I dealt with folks up in Canada, mainly on the western side of the country. The people I dealt with were some of the most positive and supportive I've ever known. Their optimism was almost strange compared to many of their contemporaries that I dealt with here in the states. The work I was doing was oil field related in terms of opening up new opportunities for some patented products we sold. When I first started dealing with the folks in Canada I thought perhaps they were just pulling my leg. Maybe it was a joke played on a Yankee. But, over time, I learned that there was a genuine spirit of openness, friendliness, and acceptance that was very impressive. They had gone through the same turmoil and devastation in the oil patch that we had but for some reason they seem to have done it, and got through it without losing their positive outlook. I mentioned this last night and the lady who now lives in Ontario smiled in agreement and volunteered that she had previously resided in Calgary for thirty years.

This positive outlook was not 100%, but it was very noticeable. The withdrawn and bitter spirit I sensed on the part of many of our own folks was also very noticeable. Thinking about how they came across to me and how I came to appreciate the genuineness of their attitudes makes we wonder out loud how you and I come across to people. We who are believers have little excuse to come across as being angry, out of sorts, and disgruntled as we deal with other people. However, that is one of the things people say about us who claim to be Christian is how often we portray a picture of a downtrodden and gloomy life. If anyone has a reason to be optimistic and positive about who we are in Christ, and our certainty of His provision, our future, and our hope, then it would be those He has saved by His grace. I know from my own life, far too many times, that in the heat of the battle anyone can come across in a negative manner. However, the lady from Canada sought out a place to spend time with other believers intentionally! Therefore, you and I need to do what we do especially as it relates to our interacting with others in an intentional manner by doing our best to make a genuinely positive impression because of the hope that resides in us by the grace of God. Amen. ....More later.

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