Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Pay attention because it’s FRIDAY the 13th. You have to know I'm only joking about this superstitious nonsense. Now on to our musings for the day. Sunday is Father’s Day. Fathering a child in the physical realm is quite different than being the type of dad God would have us to be. I know I could have been a much better dad to my boys as they were in their formative years. Wringing my hands over what was undone at the time it needed to be done is like chasing the wind. My desire for them is that they not look back and wish they had done more for their kids. The present reality is this: I seek each day to do my best, with God’s help, to be the dad I am now and to help them as best I can, even at this late hour.

I am thankful for the many dads who have influenced my life. My real dad left us so early but God used him to give me life and I am thankful for him and all the things I’ve heard about him. I am especially thankful to God for my grandfather, Paw Paw Mac, who did his best to instill in me values, a sense of faithfulness, a work ethic, and a daily recognition that God is real. My father-in-law was also a tremendous mentor, encourager, and Godly influence in my life. What a blessing he was! I also greatly appreciate the many kindnesses shown to me by my mom’s brothers, my uncles, especially Uncle Asa, and Uncle Waymon. There was also my grandmother’s brother-in-law, Uncle Claude, who took me fishing and spent time with me.

No one could be more blessed to have my step-dad for these many years. He has not only been a wonderful husband to my mom but also a man of exemplary faithfulness in serving the needs of others. He has served his country. He has served his community. He has served our family. And, he continues to do all of this and more up to this present moment. Talk about a role model! Thanks, dad Jose, for being who you are to all of us.

I try to talk to all three of our boys every day. It has become part of our daily ritual. I also take the time to pray for each of them each day and for their wives and their children, our grandchildren. Life is not easy and being the kind of dad that God would have men to be is impossible without His help. That’s one of the reasons their mother and I pray for them each day because we have lived long enough to recognize their significant and crucial responsibility towards their families.

Lord willing we are preparing for a big day of all of us being together to celebrate Father’s Day at our house this coming Sunday. Having everyone there will be the greatest gift anyone could receive. God chose to call Himself our Father, therefore, we should pause to thank Him for being the Great Father He is to us, realizing that because of Him sending His Son and our response to His offer of salvation, we will one day make that final journey to our Father’s house. Have a great Saturday and Sunday and Happy Father’s Day to all the dads who read my blog! Amen. …..More later.

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