Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wake Up and Be Blessed!

Tuesday. We had a long day this past Sunday. We were blessed to have several of our grandchildren through Saturday evening, then we had all the activities for Sunday services, and we met our eldest and his family for lunch, and he helped me change a flat tire on the Taurus at the Church property. I actually arrived at the Church property very early (as usual). Because my running buddy was out of town it took me a little longer to get all the a/c units, doors opened, coffee made, and other details we take care of on Sunday morning. I always call my mom over in Louisiana at 8 a.m. and visit with her for a few minutes. When I walked outside which I do often when I talk to my mom I saw that flat tire. There was a time when that would have really bothered me. I might have even thought, "Well, here I am trying to do good stuff and look what's happened, Lord." But instead, I thanked God it was flat but I was parked in a convenient place. (My grandfather always said it is only flat on one side.) I was also grateful it didn't go flat on my way into the office at 60 mph at 4:30 a.m., on a dark lonely road where the deer and the antelope play. I didn't look forward to one of those coyotes nibbling on my ankle while I was changing a tire in the dark.
At any rate, Sunday was a day to reflect, recharge and recover. My wife was able to get one of those long naps. I couldn't get past about 10 minutes because that blooming NASCAR race was on my mind and even though my guy was doing poorly I still had to get up and watch it. Me watching any sporting event that I'm interested in is not relaxing. My wife claims I lean into the turns trying to help my driver. She used to say I did the same thing to try and help the running back or the base runner. I am much better these days than I used to be but I can still get fired up watching competitive events. My wife used to say she understood me doing that on the live telecasts but she would wonder out loud why in the world I would do the same thing watching a rerun or highlights even having seen the event and knowing what was going to happen. Sometimes we just end up being hopeless.

At any rate, it was lights out for me at 9 p.m. with a 3:30 a.m. wake up time on the agenda. Growing up I heard the joke about the fellow who went into the blacksmith shop and he was told not to touch the horseshoes because they were very hot. Thinking himself to be smart, he picked one up and immediately threw it to the ground. The blacksmith asked why he had picked up the horseshoe after he had told him it was hot. The man replied that he hadn't thrown it down because it was hot, it just didn't take him long to look at a horseshoe. Well, I can tell you on Sunday evening it didn't take long for me to move from the conscious world to the rapid eye movement of deep sleep.

Around 10:30 p.m. the telephone rang. I heard it ring and I heard my wife answer it in the other room. In a couple of minutes she came into the bedroom and told me Alex (our 2 and 1/2 year old grandson) wanted to talk to his Poppy. He wouldn't go to sleep and he kept telling his mom he wanted to talk to Poppy. My wife tried to talk to him but he had to talk to his Poppy. I've been awakened many times with calls that were not very pleasant but I can assure you I didn't have any problems with this one. I got on the phone and he jabbered and said my name several times and I told him I loved him and it was time for him to go to bed. He told me he loved me and we said good bye and that was it. You already know that most grandparents are practicing for full blown senility in the way they act about their grand kids, but just let me say, talk about a sweet back to sleep experience, and then some! Maybe God knew that Poppy needed a little boost on that busy first day of the week and He let little Alex be the carrier of a handful of blessing given on purpose. Keep on keeping on and never forget, ultimately it is all in God's hands! Amen. .....More later.

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