Thursday, March 20, 2008

We Don't Have To Be Pitied!

As we make progress towards the upcoming Resurrection Day Remembrance, I have been thinking much about the Apostle Paul’s compelling case for the centrality of the Gospel message in one of the greatest of all passages in God’s Word, found in 1st Corinthians, Chapter 15. There he recounted the complete revelation in capsule form, that being the truth concerning the life of our Savior, His death, His burial, and His resurrection, all accomplished in keeping with the prophetic word of the Scriptures.

This particular part of Paul’s letter to the local assembly in Corinth, Greece, is thrilling as he by inspiration laid out the reality of this transforming body of truth. He does so by putting forth what it would mean if this message were not true. If the truth of the Gospel message is in any way whatsoever false, in any detail, no matter how small, then any and all who have placed their faith in Jesus the Christ, and are living for the day when they will be in His presence, then Paul said those who have done so are without hope and to be pitied.

He painted the picture for all to see. If Jesus did not come to live here in this world as written in the New Testament, if He were not God in human flesh then He would not be a perfect substitute for the sins of humanity. If He did not give Himself up as our sacrifice on the Cross, and if He was not buried, and three days later, was not resurrected, then our faith is without meaning or hope, period, end of story.

HOWEVER, here’s the most wonderful news of all! The Apostle did not leave anyone with any doubts whatsoever as he said these thrilling words, “But now is Christ risen!” The message is true. The message reflects reality. This week many will be made aware of why Christians call it Holy Week. The so called documentaries are already in full force trying to question the claims so clearly portrayed in our Bibles. They can do whatever they like but in the end, each and every person involved in their production, will, just like every person who has ever lived, stand before the God who created them and give an account for their life to the One who sent His one and only Son to die for them.

For those of us who have trusted Jesus, we are thankful every day for our salvation that came about just as the Bible has revealed it to us. We celebrate His death, burial, and resurrection each week as we meet on the First Day of the week. We show our identity with our Resurrected Savior as we, with His help, model His life in the way we live. This is a great week for all believers to stand up and be counted for the truth that will one day usher us into His very presence. What a day that will be when my Jesus I will see! My prayer is that everyone who reads my blog will be there with me for eternity! Forever and ever, amen. ….More later.

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