Thursday, March 27, 2008

Look, It's A Bird, A Plane, No, It's Darwin!

Welcome to Thursday. Each day as I sit to write something in this blog format, it can be a real challenge to come up with material that will inform and inspire. I always know that I can never go wrong at any time whatsoever when I bring a thought from God's Word. The bumper sticker is incorrect. It's not: "God said it, I believe it, that settles it!" Rather, it is: God said it, that settles it, whether I believe it or not". I don't say that carelessly or to be cute, I just know that if I share God's perspective on any thought or issue and it is grounded in the truth found in His revelation to humanity through His Word, then I don't have to worry about the power or effectiveness of what I write about.

As for the stuff I go on and on about that deals with personal likes and dislikes, my views, my ideas, and all the other cymbals I clang around, well, they may nor may not be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I've seen many things I was brought up to believe and even things God's Word was used to reinforce that I no longer embrace as being true and I certainly reject the notion they are taught in God's Word. That's part of the learning and unlearning process that we all go through. One of the difficult challenges for us all is to learn to respect people who hold views different from our own. Here I am talking about issues other than the tenants of biblical truths that we hold forth as fundamental to our understanding of God. I do not yield on those truths. But, if you have a different idea about government, about life in general, and solutions you think better than my own, then I know I need to respect your right to hold those opinions.

Too often we do what I mentioned earlier. We equate our views to being 'right' and defend them as if they were the same as biblical truth. I fully believe there are times when we should stand up for truth but often we find ourselves confusing our preference and viewpoint with thus says the word of the Lord. We live in a sin cursed world and we are all fallen creatures. One man told me one time that he felt it his Christian duty to dodge paying taxes to a corrupt government. I showed him what the Bible says in Romans 13 about paying your taxes and supporting government authority. The government in power at that time was Rome and it was already one of the most pagan in history. He was livid. Why? Because he had made his own truth and used his Christian status to confirm what was essentially an unethical and in reality, an unlawful choice.
I'm not above doing similar things and you could easily fall into the same trap. Why? Because we believe what we believe and sometimes we will use any and all means to prove ourselves to be right. Therefore, when you read my blog you have my permission to disagree with the things I write about that don't sit right with you. If I am expounding a biblical principle, then you will need to evaluate whether I am presenting truth from God's viewpoint, and make your decision accordingly. But on the variety of other boring subjects I write about, you are certainly entitled to your own thoughts, ideas, and conclusions. I heard about a documentary coming out which will expose the closed mindedness of the American academic community to any suggestion regarding intelligent design. This film will supposedly prove how institutions founded for the purpose of inquiry have slammed the door on even the mention of this subject. One commentator said it's laughable to think that the Church of Darwinian Evolution now rules with an iron hand on most college campuses. There's something about this that sums up the entirety of humanity's search for knowledge as illustrated in the verse which states: "The fool has said in his heart there is no God". Perhaps my blogs may someday be used to prove up a new finding in this search for truth: Nothing can actually be generated from nothing. It's a joke. Smile. Have a wonderful day. .....More later.

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