Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tuned In And Turned On!

I have a good Christian brother and friend who has been in the car business for most of his professional life. He is a tremendous communicator and has done very well in sales and management. However, the auto sales industry is not always known for upholding ethics as its main principle of operation. This caused this fellow to change dealerships a number of times and he even tried to go it alone once but was taken down because of another person who misappropriated some of his consignment stock. This was pretty tough on him and he ended up having to go back into a dealership and get with the program again.

A few months ago he left because of some very inappropriate deals he had been asked to approve and sign, therefore, he was without work, again. He has recently landed a new position but he has a one and one half hour commute each morning and each afternoon across an impossible metro traffic system. Once I heard of his new location I was puzzled because it is so far away. I talked with him last week and he was in a great mood. He said he took the job and the fellow heading up the dealership was a very committed believer. Two other fellows who he will be working with directly are also active believers very involved in their respective Churches. He told me he had never been in such a situation as this and even though it had been only a short period of time, he was so thankful to God for his new opportunity. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE COMMUTE?

I asked and this is what he said. "You know what, it is long and it can be tedious but think about it. I've got people like Dr. Charles Stanley, Chuck Swindol, and Tony Evans to teach me all the way to work and if I'm running late in the evening I have the Unshackled Program, Dr. J. Vernon Magee, and Dr. John MacArthur on the way home. How much better could it be?" These, of course, are all radio programs on Christian stations and the men mentioned are all recognized conservative expositors of God's word. I pray that things will work out for this dear brother but I know exactly how he feels about using his commute time for something special like learning more about God and His truths.

I try to be in my car each morning by 4:30 a.m., to see what Dr. R. C. Sproul is teaching on in his program entitled Renewing Your Mind. I've listened to R. C. for twenty plus years and while I think he's one of America's leading Bible teachers, I don't agree with every conclusion or thought he has about the Scriptures. However, on most subjects, he is thrilling to listen to and occasionally he handles a particular passage in such a way that makes me nearly have to pull off on the side of the road because it hits me so hard. Today I had one of those moments as he talked about how God in Genesis 15 took it upon Himself to seal the covenant with Abraham. Abraham had asked for God to show him how he could know that God would keep what He had promised. You will have to read it for yourself but one thing I got was one of those holy chills where you are essentially caught up in a sense of the awesomeness of God. I guess that might be the equivalent of backing off the stage when teaching but not nearly as dangerous.

What a blessing! What a wonderful way to start the day! The truth R. C. wanted others to see was how it is God Who guarantees our salvation, our destiny, and our ultimate victory. Abraham believed but was weak and often failed just like we do but the promises were kept because God was the keeper! I can see why my friend is excited to be taking in so much truth each day. Therefore, I highly recommend to any and all that you try to find a good Bible teaching station and pick up on some of what God can do even as you are driving down the road of life! Amen.

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