Tuesday, June 2, 2020

“Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Welcome one and all on this Tuesday, June 2, 2020. So very sad to see the mayhem currently sweeping across our land. I appreciate the forces of anger and outrage but cannot see how the destruction of property and other violent acts can help in any way whatsoever. First Amendment rights are there for everyone, however, looting and burning of businesses is not a part of the right to protest, therefore, what is by all accounts a legitimate grievance becomes in far too many cases a reason to create havoc. That hurts the cause for justice and it must be dealt with if we are to have a country where the rule of law is respected. I don't have the answers needed to fix all the issues but I do know we are again living through a sad time in our nation's history. The police involved in any wrongdoing must be held accountable. Those who perpetrate violence as a part of their response must also be dealt with based on the applicable laws. Meanwhile, our nation needs God because He is the only one who can bring true peace. We call out to Him and ask Him to heal all hearts. Amen.

83% of Florida COVID deaths are 65 or older.
The overall statistics coming out of the Covid-19 pandemic are sobering. Of the 106,000 plus deaths recorded, right at 75% have been folks who are 65 and older. That constitutes 80,000 thousand of those who have succumbed to this malady. I suppose if I needed any confirmation of where I fit on the risk profile, it's crystal clear. I know there are continuing arguments about the statistics themselves, however, without regard to the forth and back on the subject, the trend is still clear. Folks in my age bracket are still in the high-risk group. I suppose this can be processed knowing that according to the latest government reporting, those 65 have a life expectancy on average of 19.1 years. (18.1 for men and 20.6 for women) Man! I thought women were trying to be equal to men. They need to work harder to close the gap. Joking only. As if this were not enough, it is also true that nearly 22% of those 65 and older are already classified as having poor health. I've heard the commentary where people more or less say, "Well, old people die anyway, so what's the big deal?" While that is true I think all of us older folks desire to live as long as God provides with as good of health as we can enjoy. Therefore, if you see me still taking precautions, don't mock are feel badly towards me. 

This doesn't mean I have a woe is me attitude. It also doesn't mean I am going to be acting all weird about this threat. I still see old folks in the store that have used plastic bags on their faces, hands, and feet, to try and isolate themselves from contamination. I smile when I see them not because I have a problem with them doing what they can to protect themselves but it's mostly because of how funny they look. I may at times err on the side of caution, but, everyone has to make up their own minds how they are going to manage during these days. I had a call from an older gentleman the other day. He and his wife are both in declining health. He said they had decided their lives are in God's hands, therefore, they are going to go and do whatever it is they feel like doing. He said they will die only when God says, not at any other time. I get that and I can see where he was coming from. However, we also know that we have a calling to use wise judgment and to cooperate with those who provide direction in these matters. We all have to find that balance for ourselves and do our best to make our way forward as best we can. I'm still trying to get my arms around the 18.1 years of life expectancy, especially since nearly 10 of those are already spent. It gives us all something to think about. Or, it gives me something to think about. But, you knew that already. Thanks for showing up today and may God bless each one. Amen. ....More later. 

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