Friday, June 26, 2020

“I like to watch people. Sometimes I ride the subway all day and look at them and listen to them. I just want to figure out who they are and what they want and where they're going.” ― Ray Bradbury

Good morning one and all. I bring you greetings from our imposed semi-quarantined world. That's by our personal choice, not one that has been mandated by the state. At least, not for now. It is Friday, June 26, 2020, and I believe this stay-at-home policy has eroded my source for stories to write about each day. Think about it. I've become more and more a facsimile of a recluse and that means I am not out and about that much which doesn't give me access to observing the most interesting of all of God's creatures, other human beings. That's where most of my stories come from. I started out my blogging using the famous quote from that paragon of the obvious, Yogi Berra, who said, "You can observe a lot just by watching." I do see some folks walking on the street as Mr. Bentley and I sit outside. If it is the mom and kids walking to the pool and they are on their way there, she has to do all she can to keep them from running. If I happen to catch them on the way back, the children are barely able to walk and they are begging for her to carry them. As they used to say back home, those kids will not have to be rocked to sleep at bedtime. Mom obviously knew that too. The postal carrier lady saw me out in the yard yesterday. As she neared our box she leaned out her door window and yelled out, "No bills today!" She then promptly skipped our box altogether and put mail into our neighbors. I waved back. One couple comes by with their interesting looking dog. I think the dog is a Whippet that favors a Greyhound. Mr. Bentley obviously thinks Mr. Whippet looks odd and responds by acting like he wants to go a few rounds. That in turn, causes Mr. Whippet to try and answer the challenge. They end up straining to hold their dog back and I end up doing the same. Sorry, but this is how life unfolds when you don't get out much.

"Houston, we have a problem."
My throwback comes from 13 years ago on this very date and here is an extract from a 10 paragraph essay. June 26, 2007 'Always Be a Problem Solver!' ~ One of the great challenges for anyone is to come to realize what problems they can solve. It would be ludicrous for me to tackle a mechanical project knowing I have little or no aptitude for it. Unfortunately, there are literally millions who are mismatched in their jobs today. I’m not talking about a dream world here. My youngest son used to say he would like to be an evangelist for the Lord specializing in reaching people on the golf courses of America. I’m not talking about this type of what would you rather be doing kind of issue. I’m talking about taking the time to know the types of problems you can solve because of your bent, your orientation, and your skills. So many today can only see problems, talk about problems, and report problems but with little or no abilities to solve them. Some say training is the answer and I would agree that’s one answer. However, you could train me on something mechanical until the cows come home and I would still not be able to be effective in that arena. But turn me loose on a project that involves research, interviews, analysis, conclusions, and recommendations, and I’m your guy. Over the years I’ve discovered this is my bent, this is where I function best, and while I’ve had to do many other things along the way, it is within this sphere that I have accomplished the best of what I have to offer. ~

I just looked again to be sure. It's still Friday and as I finish today's edition, it is fast approaching the 6 a.m. mark. The wife is still asleep in our room. Mr. Bentley is coiled up on the couch and is snoozing also. When I sat down to come up with today's edition I not only stared at a blank electronic page but I also felt as if I was copying stuff from the blank page in my head. Some days are like that. And, you get to thrash through it with me. I haven't spoken much about the political landscape lately. I'll save you the effort. It's still a huge mess. As new restrictions are being implemented in nearby Harris County, I thought it interesting how our county judge, (Montgomery), chose to respond. He said he is not going to implement any mandatory mask-wearing and he would not be wearing one himself. I can see the choice of not going with a mandatory order, but, to tell the truth, the bravado stuff doesn't impress me in the least. I know those types of things play really well in Redneck Land, but, not as well with those wrestling with a tube down their throats as they struggle to survive. Maybe that was a wee bit of heaviness to close out our week but that's what bubbled to the top. Enjoy. Be blessed. And, recognize the source of all we have and give Him the thanks due Him. Amen. ....More later. 

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