Monday, June 29, 2020

“And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton

Welcome back, and, thank you for showing up today on this Monday, June 29, 2020. We did get a great rain last week. Maybe a total of 5 - 6 inches. It was a wonderful reprieve. We've been blessed to live in this house for the past 36 years. We have seen some dry spells during our time here. The first photo was from a severe drought time in June of 2011. We were on water restrictions and had to limit our usage. The other photo was taken this past Saturday and the yellow-brown stripes out near the asphalt are gone. For now. At any rate, we left last week with a thankful heart for the rain. I saw an interesting illustration of faith or just blind ignorance on my way home from our early service at our local congregation. An older teen and his girlfriend were on one of those motorcycle speed bikes. It was one of those where you have to lay about half down to stay on it. This fellow was trying to demonstrate to everyone his bike was fast. He was weaving in and out of traffic, going up between cars on the stripe, and sometimes he seemed to make his cut over into the lane as close to the nearest car that he could. The young lady hung on. Like I say, she either had a lot of faith in his ability or was stupid to let him risk her life while risking his. The other thing I've seen very little on is the background information for this latest spike in Covid-19 confirmed cases. I did see one fellow who wondered out loud about the connection of the protest movement to the new spike in cases. That would be good information to know, however, in today's climate I doubt seriously any credible news outlet would be brave enough to find out. And, while they are at it, let us know the exact numbers regarding the people assaulted, killed, and the property destroyed during this season of unrest. 

Most of you know I am a Bible teacher. For nearly 50 years. I know truth peaching when I hear it. Our local fellowship, Mims Baptist, Conroe, Texas, is privileged to have one of the finest expositors of God's Word that I have ever heard. He consistently brings God's message to his audiences. I mean exactly that. He brings the message God has led him to deliver. I am blessed to have many preacher acquaintances as part of my regular social media contact pool. I keep up with them. Some are young preachers and they are making a mark because they present from the Word of God the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. One young man is doing a great job in the pulpit and in serving his congregation. He pastors a congregation of just over 200 folks. Because of the virus cloud, he has done his best to use every technology available to get The Word out. He is a very bright young man and has a good handle on using all the latest stuff. However, sometimes the quality is a little off or maybe the broadcast doesn't function like it should. The other day one of his members posted a note to him on Facebook about his technology woes. The member said they had found this to be one of his frequent laments, "This never happens to Dr. Adrian Rogers." The late Dr. Rogers pastored a congregation of more than 25,000 and was one of the most heard and seen preachers on radio and TV. He too never faltered in his commitment to 'rightly divide the word of truth...' Yesterday's sermon at our local fellowship covered the famous text from the Prophet Isaiah's writing, Chapter 6. I thought it was one of the finest on this text I've ever heard. Here is the link to service and our Sr. Pastor, Dr. Jerry Chaddick in his presentation of this passage: 

We bought a new refrigerator last week. It reminds us all that things do wear out. We didn't buy a very expensive one but it does have the ice maker and it is a side by side model. The wife has gotten to where she says things like, "Not to worry, it will probably last longer than we will." She even said that about Mr. Bentley when he arrived on the scene at 8 weeks young. It's as if she has found our use-by date or timestamp. Maybe she has noticed me doing my Tim Conway old-man walking when I first get up in the morning. I used to work with a fellow who often commented he just couldn't fit the wife and me into the older category. He said he knew folks, even in his own family, that acted old, some younger than us. Oh well, that was a nice thought. Now we are into the phase of what will we out last. Or not. I kid about it but we all know that ultimately our time here will end and according to the Scriptures, that's when our eternal existence continues. We are alive now but we will be even more alive in the presence of our Lord and Savior when we leave this life for our real forever life. We have His word on it. That's a promise to live by whether you are still young, middle-aged, or, in that soon to expire phase. It's a joke. Go ahead and laugh. May God bless each one and don't forget to thank Him for the time-release arthritis pain relief pills. Amen. ....More later. 

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