Tuesday, September 18, 2018

"Give thanks in everything, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." ~ 1st Thessalonians 5:18 as rendered in the Holman Standard Christian Bible

Just me. No need to adjust your set. Good morning and welcome. It is Tuesday, September 18, 2018, and I pray that all is well with you, and yours. Last Saturday's wedding of the wife's 'twin' sister who is 18 months older turned out to be beautiful and well attended. In the beginning, it was going to be maybe 30 people and that got expanded to maybe 75. In the end, many folks wanted to come and we had well over 200 who showed up. It was my privilege to offer up a prayer of blessing on the couple and the proceedings. I saw many people from my past. One fellow I went to grade school with came over and introduced himself. I had already heard him tell someone his name so I knew who he was. He asked if I still lived in the area. I told him not since 1969. He recalled a time out on the playground when he accidentally twisted some of my fingers and how angry I was about it. While I didn't recall that specific incident I do remember him and his family. I saw way too many people who I remember being so vibrant and active in the past, but, time has taken its toll on their health. Cancer, stroke, and other maladies have made their lives difficult. All stooped over, on a walker, or needing to be helped, I remember when I had trouble keeping up with them. I'm not in the least bit unaware that it could be me since I am in their age range. Imagine seeing Charlie and Melba Lou. We used to double date with them a long time ago. And, Diane. She sang, 'Whether Thou Goest' at our wedding in December of 1964. (That was a popular wedding song taken from the Book of Ruth. However, it was only later that I learned the lyrics are the commitment made from Ruth to her mother-in-law. Hello?) My heart does go out to those struggling. And, here's how I see it: Today I was able to wake up, get up, and go. For that, and so much more, I thank the Lord God above. I do. I really do. Amen.

Today is another special day in our family neighborhood. Our grandson, Alexander Benjamin, becomes a teenager today. We do thank God for Alex. He has had some challenges along the way, but, we so look forward to all that God has planned for his life. He was, literally, a Hurricane Rita baby, and that complicated arrangements for him as an infant. Marilyn and I have been blessed to have this boy in our home quite often. He is a character. He was back then and he still is today. He is a bonified gamer. He is now 13 and cousin Brady Darrell will hit that same number this next January. After that, no more grands who are little kids anymore. But, not to worry, we have great grands taking up the slack. Happy Birthday to our Alex and may God lead, guide, and direct your way. Our love, MiMi and Poppy.

I do thank our boys, Chris, Jimmy, and Rodney, along with our grandchildren, Jimmy Jr., Alesha, Amanda, and Brady, for driving over to Leesville, Louisiana, to support their Aunt Dorothy's wedding. Within our family, family matters. It's a nearly 400-mile round trip and the trip back was complicated by some heavy rainstorms. I know this meant so much to her and to us. Dorothy and Jim were both widowed. Dorothy's son, Michael, an ordained minister, performed the ceremony. It was a remarkable event. Here are two people in their mid-70's getting started together with a wedding that could have easily been featured in a magazine. That was a new one on me. I commend all those who made it such a wonderful event. There was a huge reception with food for everyone. Our Chris helped the groom with his necktie. It was, for me, one of those deja vu moments. Charles, Dorothy's first husband who died five years ago, well, he helped me to do a better job on my neckties as a young civil service worker at the Veterans Hospital. I don't know why I thought of that, but, I did. It tells me that with our family, family matters. I ask everyone who reads my blogs to say a prayer for two of our dearest friends who are dealing with serious health issues. Sister Anita Paulk is in a hospital in Huntsville, Alabama. Brother Tommy Erickson is in a hospital here in our area. These folks are the real deal, genuine, and they love the Lord and they love serving Him by serving others. Thanks for praying. Take care and Lord willing, I'll see you on this same station, tomorrow. Amen. ...More later.

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