Wednesday, September 26, 2018

"But Governments and peoples do not always take rational decisions. Sometimes they take mad decisions, or one set of people get control who compel all others to obey and aid them in folly." — Winston S. Churchill

Good morning and welcome. Today's edition has on its banner page, Wednesday, September 26, 2018. Why are people so fed up with the way news is being reported today? I watched a clip earlier this week from a fellow standing in line at the Vegas event where President Trump was appearing. He saw that CNN was there. He streamed their coverage and one of the anchors said the President was scheduled to speak at the event and there were maybe 200 people waiting to get in. This fellow started at the front of the line and videoed those standing in line to the end. It went on and on. There were thousands waiting to get in, not 200. Why would CNN make such an erroneous claim? I'll go back to my original question. Why are people so fed up with the way news is being reported today? With all the charges and counter-charges flying forth and back regarding Judge Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court, I did see a photo on Facebook that jokingly made a point. The photo is of maybe a two-year-old boy being held by a waitress wearing a low cut shirt. The little kid appears to have inadvertently laid his hand on the waitress' bosom. The caption read: This photo ruins any hope for him to ever become a Supreme Court Justice. This is not a commentary on the validity of any truth claims that anyone has made but it is symbolic of the runaway political madness that has taken hold of our nation. (I take full responsibility for any opinions that are explicitly obvious or implicitly recognized.)

Back when I was growing up I lived and breathed the game of baseball. I'm not ashamed to say I slept with my glove. I did a stint as a pitcher, played third base, and the outfield. I threw side-armed and when I was pitching I could throw really hard. That was the good news. The not so good news is how I never knew exactly where the ball might go. Unintentionally, I hit a few batters. And, I have been hit a few times as well. I can tell you it is not a pleasant experience. There's a video making the rounds again from a major league game played back in April of last year. The game was between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Chicago Cubs. I had not seen the clip until the other day. Cardinals hitter Stephen Piscotty was hit in the right elbow by a pitch at the plate. In a hit and run situation, he slid into second and the throw came in hot and hit him squarely on his left arm. Twice. After that, the ball was put in play and he attempted to score from second base. He made it in safe but the ball came in and caught him on the side of the head, on the fly. He was laid out on the ground. He was not seriously injured but I will tell you I've never seen anything like that. I well remember that because of my wildness when I was pitching, batters were nervous about the potential of me beaning them. I'm not sure what Piscotty thought about it after being hit three times in three minutes in the same inning. I think that would have given anyone second thoughts. (I tried to check to see if this was a record but while they do keep statistics on hit batters, I could not find any records of those hit while a base runner.)

I always try to check out the 'hot' toys for the upcoming season. I looked at the list from the online edition of USA Today, and, the top 25 toys as projected by Amazon. One of those on the Amazon list is the new version of the Monopoly game. Cheaters Edition. Here is the description: "This version rewards stealing money from the bank and not paying rent when you land on someone else’s property. There are 15 Cheat Cards in the game. For ages 8 and older." Okay. As a self-appointed observer of all things pertaining to the culture of our times, well, it did get my attention. It may be innocuous and in good taste, but, there's something about it that seems to fit today's ongoing narrative. "What can you get away with?" "Get caught, Get cuffed!" It will be interesting to see if Santa gets many requests for this one. I did notice several of the top toys have fur and built-in electronics and can be interacted with. Amazon is expecting some of these to sell out quickly, therefore, it will accept prepayment with a guarantee to hold the price and delivery. I can't remember us going to extraordinary means to acquire a hard-to-get toy for our boys, but, I'm not going to say we didn't. And, I can't remember them being horribly disappointed because they didn't get one they had their heart set on. They might have a different story on that one. I know my mom, as a widow, always went out of her way to do the best she could for the six of us kids. Doing her best meant some Christmases provided more toys than others, but, looking back, I am very thankful for her devotion and sacrificial heart for her children. I could probably even come up with some of the toys I received as a kid, but, that would take more effort from the concentration area of my brain. Something I'm not prepared to deal with today. Perhaps another time. Meanwhile, I do hope you have a blessed day as God provides. Amen. ....More later.

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