Thursday, February 22, 2018

“Christmas is our annual reminder to look up—pondering celestial stars, to look out—serving those in need, and to look down—glorifying our Lord in humble prayer.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich, her book, 'Smile Anyway'

Welcome to one and all. It's Thursday, February 22, 2018, and here I am doing my morning finger exercises where I'm practicing my blogging skills here on the ole keyboard. That photo popped up the other day. Everyone likes to have Santa and Mrs. Claus as their background. The two ladies are volunteer workers at the huge Jr. League Holiday Market where all the proceeds cleared after expenses go to community causes. I also sent the wife a local TV station promotional video the other day where they were interviewing the key people for this same event. For a background, they had two full-length portraits of Santa, (yours truly), with beautiful children. The season is over but I am currently working forth and back with a new venue for the upcoming season. The lady wanted to make sure she was able to book us. I told her to send her request in August but she sent it already. We are working out the details to get it on our calendar. I say it's the earliest request we have received, however, we do have recurring annual appearances that we do every year. It's good to be me, but, truth told, it's also good to be Santa.

We do live in a time when recriminations rule the day. We have folks ready to resort to who knows what to achieve their gun viewpoints. All sides are pitted against each other. I heard one fellow say that God is the one who gave us the 2nd Amendment, therefore, we must take a stand. God and country, I suppose. On the other side, we have those who are charging any politician who received campaign contributions from the gun lobby as those who are complicit in the school shootings and as having blood on their hands. Those who are on the left have no qualms about taking funds from Planned Parenthood who are largely responsible for an average of 6200 abortions per week. That is no big deal to them because it has to do with so-called choice. That makes it okay. Add to this debate all the stuff flying forth and back on immigration issues, investigations into Russia meddling in our elections, and our President frothing out tweets on a 24 by 7 basis. I don't think President Trump created this atmosphere but he has certainly participated fully in making it an ongoing train wreck. One of the results from all of this has to do with the fatigue of those attempting to be actively engaged as citizens. Even that is probably part of someone's strategy. I feel that fatigue and find myself more and more seeking God's intervention because He and He alone is our hope. Another throw down assessment or some might say it is a drive-by, but, it's my view from here, for what it is worth.

Part of the ugliness of all of this has to do with everyone being able to see things that have mostly always existed but now they are up on the proverbial super sized big screen for all to see. The entrenched political class are front and center as some of the main actors in this reality show run amok. They are reading from a script drenched in hyperbole and hypocrisy. (I thought those two belonged together.) They are collectively playing The Emperor but the whole world can easily see they have no clothes. Okay. I'm done with this for now. I nearly hurt myself mangling so many metaphors. For me, it cannot be hopeless because these folks are doing what they are doing for whatever their motivations might be. They may have no sensitivity how their decision making is under the ultimate authority of our Sovereign God who will use them to further His purposes as He sees fit. I had one of my school chums from way back send me a note telling me he guessed he had used Facebook too much because he had been blocked for a few days. I've seen his postings. Some of them were like using a flamethrower to light the candles on the birthday cake. I mentioned to him that usage was likely not why he was blocked. And, so it goes, another day in the neighborhood. I do hope that we all will find ourselves looking up, for our Redeemer truly draws near. Amen. ....More later.

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