Friday, November 7, 2014

"If at first you don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything." ~ William Lyon Phelps, American Author, (1865-1943)

I understand there are some really sore tongues out there in the political world. I'm not talking about all the talking that may have made folks hoarse. I'm talking about all the licking of wounds that's been going on as many try to figure out how they went wrong. Oh well. As they say, 'That's the way the cookie crumbles.' I'm glad I left the scene at my regular bedtime in the midst of all the election returns coming in before I got myself too involved. You know. Like watching football. Or NASCAR. I didn't want to lay in bed all flushed and flustered by the whole affair. But, it's good to be here at the ole blogger ranch and I am glad to report that we are still at it on this Friday, November 7, 2014. I have never really figured out why I get personally involved in the things I am watching. We are all wired up differently and maybe some of mine got crossed up. That may account for why I zig when I should zag. The only thing that I have learned is to see it coming. A couple of weeks ago I stayed with the LSU/Ole Miss game until the end. I knew it would bother me but I did it anyway. Afterwards, it took me at least an hour or more to get to sleep. How silly is that? Without regard to popular opinion, I'm still going to complain about it anyway. It was a good win for the Tigers even if it was a very intense low scorning game.

We've had us a spell of rainy and cool. That's a pretty good combination to me. I know that's not the case for dodging cars out on the roadways but as for the feels like, well, I kind of enjoy it. (Example: It's 4:15 a.m. as I finish up today's edition and I am sitting here with the office door wide open, it's a refreshing 50 degrees, and I'm working on my second cup of Community. Nice!) The cool brings back memories and the coffee really seems to match up well with what others might call dreary days. I just hope it doesn't leave us completely before the Thanksgiving family gathering. In these parts it might be nice and cool or it could be in the mid to high 80's and humid as all get out. The family get together will be a blessing, no matter what the weather, but, if I have my choice, I will choose cooler weather. It just seems to enhance the enjoyment. Maybe that is a conditioning reflex from all the media that portrays Thanksgiving scenes or it might also reflect those I remember from my past. Sometimes it is hard to figure out which one is which. The stereotype or the actual memory. In my case it's most likely a blended fusion of the two. And, if you are in the camp that likes to wear a t-shirt and sit out in the sun on Thanksgiving Day, well, that's okay too, but maybe not this year.

Blended fusion. That might explain a lot of things but I won't delve into all of that as we close out the week. Everybody says that a message was sent to Washington based on the election last Tuesday. I can't recall too many times in the past when the 'political establishment' paid too much attention to messages coming to them. However, as it relates to individuals, those cleaning out their desks, well, that's the kind of message that did get registered. I just hope someone is keeping an eye on all of them during these last two lame duck months. I would recommend nailing everything down. You know. Just for safe keeping. Maybe that's a little too harsh. Maybe not. I do hope that you will enjoy a wonderful Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. I have enjoyed our time together this week and look forward to our next regularly scheduled visit come next Monday. Lord willing, of course. May God bless each one. Amen.  ...More later.

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