Monday, February 18, 2013

"We are persuaded that good Christians will always be good citizens, and that where righteousness prevails among individuals the Nation will be great and happy. Thus while just government protects all in their religious rights, true religion affords to government it's surest support." George Washington

Hello and welcome back. It's another federal holiday here on this Monday, February 18, 2013. It's the day set aside to honor our first President, George Washington. I know. He was born on February 22 but we've now informally connected Lincoln (February 12) and Washington although the official law to change the actual designation never got out of committee, therefore, commercial interests adopted the President's Day for advertising purposes, but, the actual commemoration is still for our first President, George Washington. I think he deserves to have a day set aside as the very first and may have been arguably the best. I say that because of his attitude in setting forth precedence that reflected honor, integrity, and devotion to duty. But, it's back to work for me, and I'm glad to be right here slip sliding around on the old electronic keyboard. I'm not saying I'm playing a good tune but the sound to me is somewhat comforting since it tells me that I'm still able to arrange some depressed keys into groups that become words on the electronic page that you are reading from. Technology. You just have to love it. And, I pause to thank God for our first President who did so much as an instrument of God's Divine Providence for our nation. It is reported that King George III upon hearing that Washington had voluntarily resigned his commission as Commander of the Continental Army had this comment: "If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world." That was before he ever became President. By God's grace, a truly great man. Amen.

You have to love some of the people on Facebook. They put up a picture of something they have done and it might be outlandish. Then they warn anyone not to make a negative comment under the threat that they will de-friend them so fast they won't know what is happening to them. Same way with some commentaries that people feel emboldened to deliver. They get it all delivered sometimes with nonsense written all over it and then they call out anyone that might disagree with them. You know. Like, I will meet you in the alley at midnight. How silly is that? But, that's the wonderful free speech that we have which includes the right to make as big a fool of yourself as you might be inclined to do. As Uncle Si, off of Duck Dynasty says, "You can't fix stupid and that's a fact, Jack!" In the case of those threatening to de-friend people if they don't like what they are showing or saying, they typically are the ones who initiated the friend request to begin with. I have a better way to deal with it. It's called the skip system. Skip it, skip it, skip it! Do we live in a great country, or what?

What a great time of family we enjoyed with Dorothy, Milton and Glenda.There's a whole lot of history in the room when we all get together. Milton and I go back far enough that when we first met we were both wearing jeans that were 28" or 29" in the waist. That's been a while folks, a good while indeed. It was back when you turned on the radio and Ray Charles was singing that lamentable tune, "I Can't Stop Loving You." Our nation was dealing with the Cuban missile crisis and President Kennedy reaffirmed that we would put a man on the moon. Not long after these things, God placed a calling on Brother Milton's life. When Milton responded, his life changed and it was noticeable to everyone. It's been noticeable ever since. He and Glenda faithfully served in different Churches and ministries for over 40 years. Dorothy. You know Dorothy. She's my wife's twin sister born 18 months ahead. My mother-in-law and father-in-law who have gone on to their reward could with Godly pride look at their girls and see Proverbs 31 women. Dorothy has always been a servant and God gave her an instinct and special talent for music which she has faithfully used to bring honor and glory back to Him. Her late husband, Charles, and I, are a couple of the most blessed fellows to have ever breathed air on the planet. Thanks be to God for His provision including these folks who are our family. Amen.          .....More later.

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