Monday, July 18, 2011

My blogs are like a box of chocolates, the one left in the back window of the car, melted and distorted!

Today I am going to turn over a new leaf. I haven't figured out any of the details yet but you will have to admit that it is a start. Right? Welcome back. I hope all is well with you and yours on this Monday, July 18, 2011. The other day when I wrote that opening paragraph using all those phrases and figures of speech my wife asked what exactly I was trying to get across. First and foremost, I happen to enjoy those anecdotal types of slang and it really wasn't much to it other than to lament how that some of these are getting away from us as the follow on generations fail to use them and embrace them. Other than that, it was just some game playing with words. What's that you say? Got it. I am very much aware that many out there in bloggerland have very little interest in those types of word play games. That's great. I don't have an interest in a lot things myself. Things like a report from a scientific study that proves that dog fleas can jump higher than cat fleas. It may occupy space out on the web but to put it succinctly, I could care less. When you hit one of those subjects in my blog, do what I do, skip that part. In fact, it's good to know how to quickly get away from something that you are so unfond of it makes you irritated just to think about it. Hopefully I won't be delivering those types of things but it could happen. And, even as I write this episode I am beginning to wonder just how they were able to measure those flea jumps. Inquiring minds and all of that, know what I mean?

I heard some folks being interviewed on the street about the big mess going on in Washington over the debt ceiling issue. Nearly everyone of them indicated they would rather be talking about something else. Most also just hold their noses when they talk about Congress and the President and their performance on this as well as many other critical matters. People do want their government to act but obviously the hold on power is such an overwhelming force, both sides tend to just try and win political points. It's almost funny how the President calls Republicans every name in the book and then at the next opportunity he lectures everyone on how the people are sick and tired of politicians who call each other names. He is an excellent politician. He is also good on his feet and he and his helpers know how to make the other side look pretty bad. Bottom line, those people on the street, and the rest of us who get up everyday and try to go out and make a living, and plenty who can't because of the dire economic circumstances, we all, for the most part, are not only sick and tired of being sick and tired, but we have had a belly full of the shenanigans that pass themselves off as our government at work. People are fed up. Fed up with the entire lot. The whole enchilada. The claims, the counter claims. The speeches. The games. Sick and tired. And as they said way back when, "A pox on all their houses!" While we do not wish to become cynical, it sure is an easy reach the way Washington is handling issues that impact our daily lives. May God help us is my prayer. Amen.

The "May God help us" sentiment is not a bailout strategy. I know I use it often and it may seem that way. It actually should be our starting, staying, and our ending strategy. It actually should be our foundation for every aspect of our daily lives. When the disciples wanted to know something about prayer, Jesus gave them a model. (Matthew 6, and Luke 11) It was not given that it might be repeated in some formulaic and rote manner, and while it is certainly okay to quote it, the meaning behind it is key because it highlights the needs expressed by the one praying, and the power to meet those needs from the One being prayed to. That may be the most important message to us all. That is, that we might see ourselves in light of who we really are before God. We as a nation like to portray ourselves as a proud people. And, I think it fine to be a proud American in a healthy patriotic sense, but when it crosses over to us being prideful, smug, and self sufficient to the extent that we do not see ourselves in desperate need of God's provision, then we are in trouble. We are in trouble in our personal lives, and we are in trouble as a nation. Therefore, we when pray, "God help us" may it not be as a statement of vendetta against those we dislike, but rather, may it be, from the heart of a people who are humbled by the great needs that surround us and as a recognition that God and God alone is our only hope. Now that would help us to see true hope and change at work! Amen.                ......More later.

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