Friday, July 15, 2011

Here's what I think: Whatever the situation, never be ashamed of America!

Hello. I am writing today's blog from an undisclosed location. That's because that is where I write it every single day and today is no exception. It is Friday and I bid you welcome on this, the 15th day of July, 2011. It didn't surprise me that the new movie Captain America had to have some changes made to play in some foreign venues. While I might not agree with it, I understand that in Russia and other places the hero had to be renamed. One thing did surprise me a little. I read a blurb that said the actor playing the main character had to undergo psychological therapy before he was able to play the part. I'm not clear on all the facts but it seems that anti-American feelings across the globe may have had something to do with his concerns. If that is true and he was afraid that his peers and other notable movie types across the globe might look down on him for making a pro American hero story, then I do have a word for him: I would be ashamed to be ashamed of America, period, end of story. I would almost guess he is not ashamed to take the money. Know what I mean? This fits that poll I mentioned on July 4th that said the left wing liberal crowd does have a less than favorable view of the founding of our nation and its corresponding traditions. There are many articles written that quote so called progressive thinkers who indicate their disdain for the inordinate patriotism shown by those within the conservative community. I don't think our country is in the shape it is in because there is too much patriotism. In fact, my view would suggest it just might be the opposite, but then again, that's why I call it the View From Here.

I suppose patriotism can be defined in somewhat different ways depending on where you are from. Sometimes I do not always think about what I am doing. The other day I was at the filling station putting gas in one of the Company trucks. I left the door open and the radio on loud enough to hear it at the back of the truck. It just happened to be on NPR where a professor lady who teaches writing was taking calls and giving advice to those wanting to know how to get started. The conversation was interesting. To me. Not to the fellows who frequent that particular establishment. Too many Confederate flags and NASCAR emblems and believe me, I did get some hard looks. They don't mind playing those beer drinking songs loud enough to rock the joint, but, no, let someone try and listen to a writing lecture and they think you came up there just to insult them. I actually didn't even think about it, that's what makes it a little funny. In fact, I saw one long tall drink of water who looked like he had just come in from a two week shift out in the gulf off an oil rig, and he was displaying Jimmy Johnson's Number 48 on his truck back window, and I nearly told him he would have a good number if he divided it by two and put two Number 24's on there, that being my driver Jeff Gordon's number. Before I could get the words out he looked at that open door on my truck where the lady was talking about ways to make what you write interesting to a broader audience, and then he focused squarely on me. Hello? No time for chit chat with a fellow NASCAR fan, I figured I might as well leave it alone, this time. I can only imagine what they told their friends about that little episode down at the Shell Station.

But that's okay. I was more or less on their turf and should have known better. I doubt seriously I would have caught any of those hard looks if I had Sean or Rush blaring. That would have been some red meat as they call it for their consuming pleasure. But we all are different. Different but hopefully united in the things that count. One common denominator is the universal truth about how me, them, and everyone else who breathes air on the planet needs to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ if they are to live forever with Him in eternity. It doesn't matter how you say tomato are potato. It doesn't matter whether you like overalls or the finest silk suits. Every man, woman, boy, and girl born on the planet stands guilty before God. Jesus came to deal with that issue and He did. On The Cross of Calvary. Those redneck boys need the Lord. Those liberal folks need the Lord. Those of us raised in Christian homes, yes, we need the Lord also. I have had so many folks tell me about how faithful their families have been when I ask about their situation with the Lord. Their mom or dad, or maybe their grandparents were wonderful Christian folks. That is a great thing to be able to say about any family but it will not get me, you, or anyone else into heaven. We must deal with our sin situation ourselves, individually, if we are to be saved from our hell bent destination. I love repeating that question the jailer in Philippi asked of the Apostle Paul, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" The clear and simple response: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." (Read about it in Acts Chapter 16) That's a powerful testimony to close on for this week as we anticipate Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. Until next time, may God bless you all. Amen.          ......More later.

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