Friday, July 23, 2010

We all are sinners but there are some really sorry folks living among us today!

Seems like only last Friday I was talking about it being Friday. Time does get away, doesn't it? But, it is Friday on my calendar and I do bid you a good day on behalf of your beleaguered blogger on this July 23, 2010. I use the word beleaguered advisedly because I like the sound of it. It reminds me of the football player they used to call Big Bad Bubba from Beaumont. How in the world are you doing, anyway? You will be glad to know that they caught the guy. The fellow here in our area who has been charged with a third degree felony for livestock theft. It involves 250 goats and sheep worth an estimated $14,700 but he's in jail now so we all can rest tonight. Just so you know, this arrest came at the hands of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (TSCRA) Special Rangers. The Special Rangers specialize in livestock as full time law enforcement experts, 29 commissioned officers authorized by the Texas Department of Safety and the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. I read this blurb about something that happened a few miles north in our county and felt like I was living right smack in the middle of an episode of the TV Series, Rawhide, starring Eric Flemming as Trail Boss, Gil Favor, and a very young Clint Eastwood as Rowdy Yates. Do we live in a great country or what? Those of you who remember this series can no doubt hear in your mind's ear that wonderful theme song sung in the unique crooning style that only Frankie Lane could produce. I am so glad they caught this guy and locked him up.

What makes me even more incensed? It's the wave of copper thieving going on today. This is totally out of control. The people and places they target makes me even angrier. Churches and the elderly are their favorites. I don't know about you, but I would love to get my hands on some of these guys that rip off the A/C system of a shut-in elderly lady. Talk about bang zoom to the moon! Perhaps we need a special copper thief squad to go after and get these thugs. With the price hovering around $3 per pound, the discounted amount the robbers get is likely much less but it's easy money and I would also think the folks buying this stuff may be implicated as well. The results? One black Church recently was having to decide whether to continue having services at all since they had no insurance and no funds to replace the stolen units. The elderly folks who already live frugal lives may have to do without any air conditioning which has proven itself to be a potential health hazard, even bringing premature death to many. God has a special reservation of judgment for those who prey upon the helpless and my how I would hate to face Him with this on my record. Our Company recently built a cage for an older couple who still do evangelistic work to places where campers and RV'ers go. While they were out on the road preaching the Gospel some low down scoundrels totally demolished their A/C system for the copper. We made them a first class cage and donated it along with a prayer, but I'm still upset how this new wave of thievery is impacting so many people.

I know we are all fallen. I know we all are sinners. I'm not looking down on these crooks because I'm better than they are but folks this is a sad commentary on where we are today. Some say it's the hard economic times, but taking from the poorest of the poor, hurting a place of worship, and generally having no regard for the helplessness of the elderly, it is very troubling, and I pray that God will intervene. I heard last evening that despite the billions being spent by law enforcement, there are more illegal drugs flowing into our country than ever before. How could this be possible? They have an estimated seven million American customers who cannot live without their product. Simply stated, it is at its roots a matter of supply and demand. I'm not knocking those who are addicted because they reflect a true definition of what it means to be a captive audience. I know they need help. Those buying the stolen copper are in a different class altogether. I believe when they buy from thugs they join in the crime against those who originally owned the copper and I wouldn't want to have that on my bill either. I know their consciences are seared but surely they are not completely unaware of the consequences of what they do. It's on our local stations nearly every evening. How sad but it reflects the times we are living in and we all need to do what we can to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. Okay. I've vented enough on this subject and it's time to move on. Have a wonderful Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday and until we meet again I leave you with this Irish blessing, "May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back, and in the palm of His hand, May God hold you!" Not bad. Amen? Yes, Amen. ..........More later.

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