Monday, March 15, 2010

We are blessed, yes we are!

Good morning and welcome to another work week here on this Monday, March 15, 2010. Last week I was with one of our customer's and he proclaimed, me, my company, or the service we provide to be "Johnny on the spot." We do use some interesting word pictures, don't we? You know me, I am always interested in the origin of a phrase or comment, therefore, I did a little research and found this particular one to be old but certainly not ancient. It was actually written about as a popular phrase in a newspaper back in 1896 but the article mentioned that it would probably not be around very long. It had to do with someone having a reputation for keeping their commitments or always being dependable and on time. The "spot" word does get attention. You often hear "spot on" today meaning accurate or perfect. Or maybe we bump into someone who is in a tight spot or perhaps you just happen to tune in to someone who goes on and on about things like the word "spot". Driving in this morning I was listening to a very intelligent Christian broadcaster talking about his debates with atheists. He said one of the most interesting faults of atheists is how they typically are forced to use theistic arguments to try and prove their atheistic theories. For instance, if they say humans are nothing more than blobs of meat, the believer would say that it would be required to be more than a blob of meat to make a decision about you being nothing more than a blob of meat. While this stuff is way above my pay grade I do find it very interesting. And, it may very well be the cause of my slight headache.

I am coming off a very busy but rewarding Saturday and Sunday, how about you? Folks are all over the yard work with the days turned from cold to cool and they were out in force on Saturday. We have to get our yards ready for the upcoming season. I'm sure those chemicals are flying off the shelves at the local home and garden stores. I didn't get on that band wagon but I did get out and do a semi-thorough cleaning of the old flivver (my car) and that took a few hours. I dropped my wife off at the big mall for her scheduled duties, ran a few errands including getting my car serviced, and returned later to the big mall to enjoy watching her eat her lunch. I know some of you think I must really be hurting for entertainment. Then it was back home for some more activities and then reset of the clocks, then a return to the big mall to pick my wife up after she closed the store. Nothing earth shattering, but enough to qualify for being occupied. I also was able to spend some time on the phone with my mom and other family. A good Saturday for sure!

I did figure out, like most of you all, how to fully lose that one hour given up for some extra daylight. They tell us that Benjamin Franklin actually proposed this daylight savings idea when he was around. It is supposed to save electricity since there will not be as many light bulbs turned on. Here in our area where the heat is known to make the a/c unit lay on its side, I think the extra daylight may not be as huge a savings as perhaps it might be in other places. But, I did my reset duty and was not so draggy on Sunday but talk to me about it this morning! I feel like I've been run over by a freight train. But we did enjoy a wonderful Sunday. Early to the Church property to get everything opened up and coffee made for my class, did my teaching thing, then at the end of the main service I gave a verbal report on our pastor search team efforts, then we hopped in the car and drove about 45 minutes to meet our eldest and his entire clan for lunch, which included us being able to get our hands on our little great grand bundle of Madelyn Joy. We had a wonderful time and headed back home for some nap time in the recliners, then up and at them again as we drove across town to a gospel singing event. We got home fairly late and ended our two day marathon with a sense of having a little bit accomplished but enjoying a huge amount. Think about it. God is good to allow us to do all these things and somehow be able to get up this morning, come to the office driving through fog thick as pea soup, and be able to write about it. We are blessed folks, therefore, find some time to thank Him today! Amen. ......More later.

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