Thursday, March 18, 2010

How did we let this happen?

Hello friends and neighbors, welcome to Thursday, March 18, 2010, where you will have noticed I have stayed out of the health care imbroglio , that is, at least until now. I am with those who promote reasonable reform of the current system. Surely there has to be better options than the one about to be made the law of the land where a one size swallows all takes over. The stuff flying forth and back about the procedural maneuverings makes for interesting entertainment but I'm not sure the American people are ready for another round of "I voted for it before I didn't vote on it, therefore, I didn't really vote for it, just for the changes made to it." Yep. You heard that right. They really do think we are a huge bunch of ninnies. The thing that worries me the most is the loud sound that accompanies this bill. It is the unmistakable voice of a big government becoming much bigger, and what are they saying? "We're from the government and we are here to help!" Be afraid my friend, be very afraid. The President's main selling point is what will happen if we do nothing. That works except for the part where the treatment ends up killing the patient who turns out to be those who will ultimately pay for all of this beginning immediately even though the mammoth plan doesn't kick in for several years. Who am I referring to? The ninnies who pay taxes, of course!

I have heard that the President is telling fence sitting democrats that failing to vote for his bill will seal the doom of his effectiveness during his first term and might even cost him a second. Now that my friend is poetry in motion. I am not against Mr. Obama. I am not against him or his family. But I am against his agenda, his thoughts, his ideas, and his vision for our nation. I am against his socialistic approach to problem solving and I am against his far left liberal views. But I am not against him as a person. I have great respect for him, his wife, and his beautiful daughters. Yet, it's hard to imagine a person with his viewpoints being our President. We've had some liberal leaning men in the past but President Obama is so much more so that he's not able even to be considered out in left field, he is even outside of the ballpark! Every few days I end up asking myself how we let this happen but I am reminded that God is ultimately in control and He is sovereign over all things including elections. Therefore, America was allowed to have what America deserved and perhaps in the process a loud wake up call has gone forth. A call to all who would honor God and the proper role of government reflecting the best of what has made us a great nation.

Perhaps the better question is not how this happened but what can be done about it now. A return to biblical principles on the part of those who claim to know the Lord is a good place to start. A repudiation of those who play loose and fast with the truth regardless of their party affiliation is also needed by those who claim the high ground. We can't just be against excess, waste, and corruption associated with the Obama team, we need to be even handed and fair, calling all those who hold public office to account for the trust they have been given. Believe me, there's plenty on all sides to stir up our indignation. We also need to be guided by our principles and not by the slippery pragmatism that has for too long characterized our voting. Vote the way you believe God would have you to vote even for those who appear to have no chance and let God take care of the results. We've kidded ourselves far too long that choosing less sleazy is our only course of action. The song says that little is much when God is in it and He can make things happen as His people follow His leadership in the conduct of their civic affairs. We've lived to see dollars in the millions turn to billions and billions turn to trillions but remember what David the Shepherd King said: "He, the Lord God, owns the cattle on a thousand hills." (Psalm 50:10) Interpretation: The Lord God owns it all, the cattle, the hills, you and I, and everything else, period, end of story. Let us put our faith and trust in Him. Amen. ......More later.

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