Friday, January 22, 2010

Trying to get some slow working gray cells to get their act together!

I bid you greetings from my workspace here where I am busily trying to gather my thoughts on this Friday, January 22, 2010. Some days this is harder than others, like getting spilled milk back into the bottle or perhaps trying to figure out if the saying about having to break eggs to make an omelet has any application. The weather is clear, I think. It's just under 50 degrees, I think. I know I drove over here early this morning but I must have come via auto pilot because I don't really recall much about the trip. But how in the world are you, anyway? When you get to be my age you learn to live with a little fuzziness along the way. It's not that I am growing more forgetful, it's more like I forget to remember. There sure is a lot of buzz going on about the big win by Mr. Scott Brown of the Ted Kennedy senate seat from Massachusetts. Why? It was won by a Republican! That has not happened since the early 1950's. Wow!

I was talking last evening to my youngest son about how the Obama folks are spinning this HUGE defeat. They say it was voter anger against Washington which includes the last eight years. That, of course, would imply the vote was against Mr. Obama's predecessor, President George W. Bush. These folks must think we all have single digit IQ's. Okay, let's think about this silly spin for a moment. The folks up there in the Democrat dominated bluest of blue states are angry at President Bush who is a Republican, therefore, to vent their anger they elected a Republican who ran against the Obama agenda. I don't think even those who have overdosed on the hope and change Kool Aid could tell this story with a straight face. The bottom line is this: The American people can be fooled but they typically will not, over time, be made fools of. That election is perhaps one of the most startling political upsets that has occurred in my lifetime.

And, we already see some stunning results. The Administration and the Congress are reeling as they slow down everything while trying to figure out what message the people were sending when they acted so unpredictably last Tuesday. They should call me. I can help. The message is quite simple. To quote one of their own, former President Bill Clinton: "It's the ECONOMY, stupid!" It's also jobs. It's runaway deficits and taxes. It's national security. It's about stopping the insane priority and focus on things that people have no interest in. It's also about restoring freedom and getting the government out of the way. Maybe I should set up a hot line because surely they can do better than blaming President Bush for this astounding set back. I don't know much about this new senator but I am thankful that a time out is being called on what I believe has been an agenda filled with a set of socialist programs that could forever alter our great country. The beauty of our system can be breathtaking. One election. One seat. Folks, it does pay to be plugged in as a active and concerned citizen of our one nation under God. Have a great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday and may God bless each one. Amen. ....More later.

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