I am still trying to dry out just from opening the main gate and getting myself into the office. I only met one car, thank You Lord, and he or she was doing their 5 mph just like I was. Never have two ships passed so slowly in the night. But all I can do having arrived safe and sound is to thank God for His provisions. I refer to my physical person because mentally my head is still going forth and back like a ping pong match as I am still chasing those windshield wipers. But enough of my start of the day, how in the world are you doing, anyway? Don't say I didn't tell you what to expect in the President's State of the Union Address. I heard someone say he used the personal pronoun "I" 97 times. That somehow makes sense when you think about how he views the world. I did get home from Church in time to catch nearly all the speech. Like all things, one hears through their own set of filters. Some folks were so mesmerized they were ready to faint from the greatness of his rhetoric. Others, myself included, wondered if anyone would be naive enough to buy what he was trying to sell.
The good news is that we can be assured that our Great God is still in control. He is Sovereign and He is exactly Who He has revealed Himself to be in The Scriptures. This means that you and I can be rightly concerned as we observe all that is happening around us but at the same time we should never lose heart. Why? Because as believers we have our citizenship in a Kingdom that is quite different from the domain where we currently live out our daily existence. That Kingdom has God as the Ruler and He does all things well, all the time. We should be living first as the citizen of God's Kingdom by Kingdom principles as we finish our sojourn here. What are we to do about all these perplexing issues that surround us each day? Our dear brother last Wednesday shared this wonderful verse: "Let us therefore come boldly before the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16) That verse will work in the sunshine or during the rainstorm. That verse will work no matter which party is in power. Don't forget to meet up with other folks who practice this verse this coming Lord Day's Sunday and I must tell you that Lord willing and in this instance, if the creeks don't rise, instead of the Creek Indian Nation, I will see you again next Monday. May God bless. Amen. .....More later.