Monday, October 19, 2009

Only 433 days until Christmas!

Good Monday morning and greetings friends and neighbors on this October 19, 2009, where we celebrate the fact that there is only 433 days until Christmas 2010. I thought I would inform you of that future date in case we end up having to skip the regular festivities this year due to the arrival of Obama Scrooge and his plan for us all! Okay, just joking, because we have something much more important that we remember at Christmas time and that is the arrival here on the planet, in the flesh, of God’s One and Only Son, Jesus the Christ, born to the Virgin Mary, and placed in a manger. And, as they say, that was only the beginning because He is God’s provision that culminated with His Death, His Burial, and His Resurrection which He accomplished on behalf of God’s created but fallen human family. That’s why we can celebrate victory instead of defeat regardless of the recession, the times, or the evil deeds that define this current generation.

I heard a sound bite from President Obama’s visit to New Orleans last week. He proclaimed that he was committed to implementing improvements that would make certain that no storm of any kind would ever again destroy a city like New Orleans. Remember when he said before the election that deciding the right and wrong of abortion would be above his pay grade as president? Well, let me just say that his response regarding abortion was a total rejection of what God has to say about that issue. But his ridiculous promises made to those still trying to put together the pieces from Hurricane Katrina, are well above his or anyone else’s pay grade because whether it is a worldwide flood (Noah), a Red Sea to cross (Moses), or the impenetrable walls of Jericho that come tumbling down (Joshua), there are some areas one might best leave in God’s Hands! There is a reason that insurance policies still have as a cause: An act of God.

My wife has recently been responding to my daily blogs with that inquiring minds want to know kind of attitude. Where do you come up with this stuff? Whatever made you think of that? How in the world did you decide to comment on that subject? She should see the ones that never make the light of day! But, good questions and just let me say that while they are not above my pay grade, coming up with reasonable answers is kind of like trying to nail Jello to the wall. In the end it is all about what is on my mind each day and I pass on these random musings knowing on any given day it will not be everybody’s cup of tea. The good news is that like a broken clock that always tells the right time at least twice per day, sooner or later there might just be a seed planted that brings forth a desire to contemplate and do more thinking, or it produces a little encouragement, or perhaps even a chuckle now and then. From my little fingers on the keyboard it all has to do with living life and it always produces tons of variety and since my favorite cake of all time is spice cake, well, you figure it out! Here’s a thought about making my blog useful every single day: Print it out and use it to line your birdcage! Have a blessed day and a productive week. Amen. …More later.

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