Monday, June 1, 2009

Thank God it's Monday?

Monday does take a beating in terms of how folks view it. Rarely, if ever, have I heard: "Thank God it's Monday!" I have heard occasionally the joke from one here or there who have said it was good to be back to work so they could rest up from such a tiring weekend but even that was said in jest. It just so happens to be the day we have up to bat, today, Monday, June 1, 2009, and I'm doing my best to be glad in it. I suppose for some people Mondays are their own version of Friday the 13th because it embodies the dreaded getting back to the daily grind. Perhaps now during these economic times of stress and compression more folks are thankful for having a job to get back to. Now there's a thought that will help take the edge off of the Monday blues. An attitude of gratitude every day of the week is what God would have us to live out but stuff does seem to fly here and there making it sometimes difficult to keep our thankfulness at the center of our thinking.

Literally counting our blessings and as the old song says naming them one by one always helps us to put each day into its proper perspective. Each and every day and at all times during the day those of us who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who have received eternal life as our destiny, well, we have this as an overwhelming blessing that is ours forever and ever, Amen. Jesus died in our place and He made it possible for us to be right with God and to live forever in His presence. Now that is a 24x7, seven day per week, sixty seconds of every minute kind of blessing that so many are missing out on because they have not responded to the Gospel and turned to the God who so loved the world that He sent His one and only Son to die for them. As a believer we also have His promise that He will be with us at all times regardless of the situation or circumstance. Oh yeah, we will have in this life many situations and circumstances but to have Him with us is a HUGE blessing that causes our hearts to overflow with praise and thankfulness.

It would sound like I never have a mess of trouble so bad that it brings me down and causes me to fumble and stumble around. That would not be true at all. However, we have each other to remind us of God's care and presence and to build each other up and to stand by each other as we make our journey here. Trials, troubles, storms, and challenges are the stuff of life but we can overcome them because of His help and the help of others who care enough to reach out to us. I've been blessed to have those who have prayed for me during some stormy times in my life and I didn't even know they were praying until later. They had sensed a need or trouble and had sought God on my behalf. Wow! How humbling is that? But this is why we can get up each day and go with a sense that we can deal with, handle, embrace, and somehow overcome in all things through Christ who gives us the strength to do so! (See Philippians 4:13) I do pray these words will help jump start your Monday and may God give us all a good week. Amen. .....More later.

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