Friday, June 26, 2009

Coming Soon: How I spent my one day of summer vacation!

I'm running a little late because I am sending my blog this morning from my home. I decided to take the day off to be with my wife and some of our grand kids. When I told her I would take off she immediately came up with a list of activities we might pursue, like going to the beach, or to the zoo, or some other exotic places. When I thought about taking off it wasn’t to go to some particular place, it was to be there with her and the children. I suppose we all have been conditioned over time to associate enjoying time off based on its connection to some special activity, even more so if children are involved. There’s nothing wrong with going to the beach and we have long experience testing a variety of sunscreens that typically have ended up with us being burned to a crisp. With the feel like temps at ‘105 degrees plus’ I’m not sure the zoo is a good option since I saw some photos where zoo workers have their hands full trying to keep the animals cool. We do have a neighborhood pool and its within a block from our house, therefore, we could get to the water quickly, still do the testing on the sunscreen, find out what places we missed later when we can’t sleep from the pain, and everyone will still look back and say we had a great day. My point is that family is the occasion, being together is the event, and loving on each other is the activity. This is what I am throwing out to you on this Friday morning, June 26, 2009.

I notice many blogs are written from a variety of points of view. There are some written as if a baby was doing the talking. Others are from a cat’s perspective or a dog. That’s pretty hard to compete with in terms of entertainment but it does demonstrate the A to Z variety that exists from the inventive juices that flow from minds that have little better to do, like me for instance. Of course you can find blogs on just about every topic known to humanity. Some of the blog titles are pretty interesting to me. Here’s a sample of the top words used in blogs that currently exist out on the internet, listed in most frequently used order: blog; life; world; journal; news; thoughts; daily; girl; mind; diary; musings; online; ramblings; random; love; content; little; home; blue; time; marketing; right; digital; things; city; rants; and internet, and the list goes on and on and on.

I do not know what I will have for Monday’s edition. That script has not yet been written. It will most likely end up being the elementary school stand up version of answering what I did during my one day of summer vacation. I was glad that the title of my blog did not come up in the top listed words except for the “the” and “from” but I didn’t list them anyway. We all strive for uniqueness but with several billion folks pounding on keyboards every day, it gets harder and harder. Sometimes I ‘google’ some of my main topics that I write about on politics, religion, or other issues and I am blown away at the number of hits that show up. Maybe we are living in a parallel universe where there’s another dude named Sixty-Plus who is writing the same stuff to his audience! Now that would be scary and you do know I am kidding or at least I hope I am because I wouldn’t wish more than one of this blog on anyone. Have a great Saturday and Lord’s Day Sunday and we’ll see what sticks to the radar screen for Monday. May God bless. Amen. …..More later.

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