Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Is anyone actually paying attention?

For those who would rather not hear another round of personal political analysis, you are advised to disregard today’s blog or skim over it with the sound turned off. Just joking about the sound but there are many folks who feel they get plenty of free political advice without a bloviating blogger like myself piling it on. Therefore, those who fall into that ‘Enough already!’ category can be excused while the rest of us try and make sense out of what is happening in the land of the free and the home of the brave. This is the minefield of my mind that is being tiptoed through on this Tuesday, June 9, 2009. Let me once again point out the avalanche of positive coverage our new President is receiving. It's a love fest. It is stunning. It is also scary because the standard for press coverage used to be getting past the spin in the pursuit of the reality of whatever it is that’s going on. (In short, the free press is supposed to be dedicated to uncovering the truth or facts.)

The current reality has turned the mainstream press into operatives on behalf of this new administration. I had thought that this love affair, marriage, and honeymoon would run its course but as of now it seems to be sailing full speed ahead. Recently the unemployment numbers rose but with fewer having lost their jobs in the previous reporting period. One would have thought that our President had cause for a victory parade in winning the economic war we find ourselves in. Unemployment was up (9.4%) but yet they crowed in how this administration was making such great progress. What happened to President George W. Bush being tarred and feathered when the unemployment number rose but was several points less than this recently reported historic high? Back then we heard nothing but an incessant drumbeat played up and reported on how hopeless people were and somehow the press came up with literally hundreds of thousands who were supposedly not even counted. The message conveyed was that under President Bush it was much worse than the numbers proved. Some experts estimate that because of the dire conditions we currently face the number of the under or uncounted the press were previously so eager to find are most likely much higher but you would be hard pressed to find anything written about it. There was even one report last week from California that talked about how wonderful it was for some that they had become unemployed, they even had added an ‘f’ and referred to their status as being fun-employed. The message: Under Bush, being unemployed was hopeless; Under Obama, being unemployed is happy.

In the previous administration the news writers presented us with the theme of a President Bush who didn’t really care about common, ordinary people. Now it is all about carrying the water for folks who demand a positive spin on every aspect of their activities. Sadly, most Americans continue to soak up this fabricated and commercialized example of story telling and fail to appreciate the reality of a regime dedicated to ushering in socialism as a way of life in these United States. Every once in a while a reporter courageously asks an unpleasant question only to be harshly condemned and quite frankly threatened with isolation and even sadder, the rest of the press world cooperates with the administration in the carrying out of this punishment process. It’s one thing for the lemmings to follow their inherited instinctive trait of going off the cliff for no good reason, it’s a much different story for us to willingly choose to do the same thing. May God help us is my prayer! Amen. …..More later.

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