Monday, June 15, 2009

People really are looking for the 'real deal'!

What the world needs now is love sweet love is what the song says but I rather think that the world actually needs more people who are genuine in the faith they espouse and in the life they live. I found myself trying to think through my nearly sixty-three years here on the planet to identify individuals who have consistently reflected God first in their life, and then lived out that commitment as they made their way each day. I would never hold anyone to a standard of perfection for that would not only be totally ignorant but also grossly unfair since we all fall short of the glory of God. (Romans Chapter 3.) However, on balance, I tried to call up a recollection of those I’ve known who really did reflect God first as the truth in their life and as their way of living. Simply put, I tried to think of those who would easily have as a consensus inscription on their tombstone: Lover of God first and lover of others as God has directed. This is the challenge that has my mind sizzling like a steak on a super hot grill on this Monday, June 15, 2009.

It would not surprise anyone that coming up with names that fit this category is not that easy. Sure, I could allow my emotional attachments to kick in and throw in some folks that are near and dear to me. And, there are those in my family that would squeeze into this frame of reference but I am going to exclude them because of knowing my own bias when thinking of them. This leads me to consider those I have known outside of my family that I have considered to be the ‘real deal’. One of the first names that popped into my mind is a former pastor of ours from back in the early 1970’s. We know him and his family. We still know him and his family today. He is now in his mid seventies, has had an on and off again battle with cancer for years, but he is still knocking doors and winning people to Christ. Has he always done everything right? No. Have all of his children always done everything right? No. Has he and his dear wife always maintained a testimony for their devotion to God first and their love for others as demonstrated by a total life long commitment to seeing men, women, boys and girls come to know Christ? YES! We thank God for Brother Jess Hill and his dear wife Lorna and their influence on our lives.

Living in a way that shows a person is 100% sold out to God is perhaps the greatest challenge any of us can face. I intentionally set the mark high and while many names have flown in and out on my radar screen, I will leave you with just one more and then close down this mentally tiring exercise. My dear brother in Christ and minister to the inner city, Bro. Kim Williams is certainly qualified for this designation. He pastors the mission work where we do the children’s Bible club. Bro. Kim is a special man. He has a special family and while he too would be the first to admit his failings, he, perhaps more than any other person I’ve known, tries to do every part of his life as God would have him to. In many ways being around him is very convicting while at the same time it’s thrilling to know someone like him. The Bible tells us the people were afraid when they saw Moses whose face actually glowed from having been with God. (Exodus Chapter 34 and 2 Corinthians Chapter 3.) I will tell you, you do know when you are with Bro. Kim that you are in the presence of a man of God and it is a remarkable experience. Has he accomplished great things in his ministry? Most would say no. Has he always been faithful as best he knows how in following God and doing his best to minister to some of the most needy people in our community? YES! Well, I came up with two and they both are ministers of the Gospel. I know there are others but right now I have a headache so I am going to take two aspirin and get back to you at our next appointed time. Just joking about the aspirin but may God give us all the desire to have a life testimony that honors him and touches others. Amen. …..More later.

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