Friday, December 7, 2007

It's Been One Of Those Weeks!

Do you remember that scene from the first Home Alone movie where Kevin is on his way back home from the grocery store and he's feeling pretty good about being able to survive and then suddenly the plastic grocery bags fall apart and everything falls on the sidewalk. Well, that's kind of how it has gone for me this week. Seems like nearly everything I am about to get hold of or finish falls apart on me. This doesn't mean I have not enjoyed the blessings of God in my life. These aggravations don't mean that truth changes at all, but to be honest it does challenge one's ability to keep the right kind of attitude.

The traffic has refused to cooperate especially when I am doing my very best to get from point A to point B. My home computer has decided to join my printer in doing some odd things that mess with my mind. I am very proud of my printer because it has literally done melt down work for years but that's no reason to get cranky on me at this busy time of the year. I've not felt well which I know does contribute much to all of this and no doubt I could handle it better but it's happening when I'm on a deadline to try and get some things accomplished, so I can move on to the next task on my mental list. And, it seems to be one of those weeks where the faster I go and the harder I try it is the further behind I get on a mountain of things that need to be done.

It does make you think you might be losing your grip a little. Speaking of which, I do know that these days things get out of my hands before I know what's going on. I can't remember ever spilling pills and having to pick them up, dropping this and that, and fumbling here and there. I get the idea that I'm stuck in a Tim Conway sketch of the 100 year old man making baby steps across the room.

Such is life with all of its busted traffic signals, missed connections, and strained nerves. But thanks be to God for He continues to give us handfuls on purpose despite our misgivings, missteps, and mishaps. Solomon wrote an entire book on what it's like to try and master 'this life' in order to find fulfillment and satisfaction. It's called Ecclesiastes. He said trying to do this without God is the same as trying to chase and catch the wind. Having shared his flights of fantasy, his relentless pursuits to find happiness, his frustrations and futility, he finally reached a conclusion which includes a strong word of prescription for all who read his writing. This is how he said it from Chapter 12: 13) Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all. 14) For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil.

I don't know about you but I need to be reminded of Solomon's words. Here's a prayer I found on another person's blog which makes a lot sense to me. Maybe it will speak to you as well.

When I awake each morning

This prayer of thanks I say

Thank you, Dear Father

For giving me another day.

Bless all of those I love

And those whom I don't know.
Help me to use all that you've given me

That I might continue to grow.

Help me to develop daily

Any gifts you've given

To prepare me to deal with earth

And fit me, Lord, for Heaven. Amen ........more later

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