Wednesday, November 11, 2020

"Our veterans accepted the responsibility to defend America and uphold our values when duty called."-- Bill Shuster

Just three of the many in our family who served in our Armed Forces. The first, my dad, Cecil, 1923-1954, US Army, saw combat in WW2; the second, my brother Donald, 1948-2011, USMC retired; and my step-dad for 40 years, Jose, 1930-2017, US Army Retired.

I am so glad they returned us to recognizing Veterans Day on November 11, regardless of what day it falls on. It is Wednesday, November 11, 2020, and we do pause to thank God for each one who served and how their service is why we are a free nation today. I've written some over the years about this day. Here are some examples:


If you live in a free country called the USA, thank a veteran!

Good Thursday morning on this November 11, 2010. This is the official Veteran's Day recognition and I think it appropriate for us all to pause, bow our heads, and thank God for those who have worn the uniform of our country and served honorably to defend our way of life. That tradition lives on today as so many of our young men and women are currently in harm's way. As I visit my brother I am reminded of his twenty years in the Marine Corp. Yesterday was the 235th anniversary of the founding of this elite branch of our armed forces. My brother was a Drill Sergeant for the first half of his career and I have never seen anyone love what he did more than he. He poured his life into many trainees who then served all over the world. Talk about making a difference! He made a contribution to our country and I thank God for him and so many others who have done the same. Nearly every evening we see a funeral procession on the news where another patriot is being laid to rest. Folks, freedom is costly and nothing demonstrates that cost more than to see those flag-draped coffins. May God bless every one of them, their families, and all who have stood up and answered the call to go and defend our nation. We had a young man in our service on Sunday that just returned from Iraq. Our congregation stood and cheered as he made a few comments. It's okay to get a lump in your throat when you consider these patriots. It's okay to thank them for their service to our country. God bless them all! Amen and Amen.


We thank God for all Veterans and their families!

Welcome to Friday, November 11, 2011, and if you are free to sign in to your computer and then get hold of this written material through access to the internet, and you do all of this at your own volition, you, I, and our entire citizenry can thank God and those who have proudly served in our military throughout our history. This is Veterans Day 2011 and I do pause to thank God for all those who have worn the uniform of our country. Originally set aside to pay respect to those who fought in WWI, this day of recognition was expanded in 1954 to include all veterans who have served throughout our nation's history. I read an estimate that said over 25 million have served our nation's military dating back to the 1770s. Many left our shores and did not return. Today, we have the freedoms we have because of those who put their lives on the line. Veterans are worthy of our respect. We are surrounded by them as they live and work among us. Our family has had many who have worn the uniform of our nation, taken up arms, and traveled to distant lands to defeat the tyranny of those who would enslave the world. As we pause to honor our veterans, I want to quote from the late former President Ronald Reagan, a veteran of WWII himself, in his words about honoring those who have served: "Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a difference in the world, but the Marines don't have that problem." And, I submit that we could extend his sentiments to all who have honorably served. May God bless each veteran and may God bless America. Amen.


If you live in a free country called the USA, thank a veteran!

Good Thursday morning on this November 11, 2010. This is the official Veteran's Day recognition and I think it appropriate for us all to pause, bow our heads, and thank God for those who have worn the uniform of our country and served honorably to defend our way of life. That tradition lives on today as so many of our young men and women are currently in harm's way. As I visit my brother I am reminded of his twenty years in the Marine Corp. Yesterday was the 235th anniversary of the founding of this elite branch of our armed forces. My brother was a Drill Sergeant for the first half of his career and I have never seen anyone love what he did more than he. He poured his life into many trainees who then served all over the world. Talk about making a difference! He made a contribution to our country and I thank God for him and so many others who have done the same. Nearly every evening we see a funeral procession on the news where another patriot is being laid to rest. Folks, freedom is costly and nothing demonstrates that cost more than to see those flag-draped coffins. May God bless every one of them, their families, and all who have stood up and answered the call to go and defend our nation. We had a young man in our service on Sunday that just returned from Iraq. Our congregation stood and cheered as he made a few comments. It's okay to get a lump in your throat when you consider these patriots. It's okay to thank them for their service to our country. God bless them all! Amen and Amen.

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