Monday, November 23, 2020

Happy Birthday Stefani!

Good morning and welcome back to our Thanksgiving Week edition beginning today, Monday, November 23, 2020. I start off by recognizing the birthday of our granddaughter Stefani. We typically try to gather for a birthday celebration but out of an abundance of caution, we didn't this time. I understand her parents made it a very special day for her. We thank God for her and her precious child, Bella, our great grand, and we ask Him to continue to bless. Amen. Our love, MiMi and Poppy 


Over the river and through the woods......

Good Monday morning and welcome to a short week for most as we anticipate a special time with family as a coming attraction this week. We are so looking forward to it and that is what I am thinking about today, on this 21st of November, 2011. That old Bob Hope melody comes to mind, 'Thanks for the memories." I am so very thankful for my many memories that are made fresh at this time of year. I will be the first to admit that strolling down the lane of our family will bring tears because of so many who have gone on before us, however, that doesn't mean we can't enjoy spending some time with them by allowing our yesterday's to help prepare us for our Thanksgiving celebration. I've heard of folks who can remember their very first Christmas or Thanksgiving or other special events in their lives. That would take most of us back to when we were still in diapers, therefore, I'm not too envious of that particular ability. But I do know that my memories of Thanksgiving are a blending of the 65 that God has allowed me to participate in with number 66 coming this week. That blending is somewhat blurred because they really did take on a distinct similarity. You know? Traditions. Special foods that have been handed down for generations. Now the excitement and anticipation of seeing loved ones and the joy and laughter experienced, well, that ends up being very personal for each of us as we thank God for those He has placed in our lives along the way. Our table didn't look like the one in the famous Rockwell painting. We didn't wear suits on Thanksgiving Day. However, the look and feel of that image is oh so familiar and that's because on Thanksgiving Day we celebrate God's provision of family and that provides the common connection that spans our years of remembrance.

Food. I've written about our family's fascination with it before. We were descended from legendary cooks. People who took their cooking very seriously. Why? Since for us, it was the moms and grandmothers, they obviously cared deeply about what they put on the table. In our family that was a daily focus but on a special day like Thanksgiving Day, it was stepped up to the highest level they could muster. I actually saw a note that a mom in her 60's posted the other day that said their microwave oven had gone out and they weren't sure they could even remember any of the basics about food preparation. Oh, what heresy! Sorry. Don't get me wrong, I have no problems with modern conveniences but please, oh please, don't mess with the skills required to continue family food traditions. I'm superbly blessed in this arena. I thank God that we still have my mom around who at 87 is still preparing meals from scratch many times each week. My child bride took her mom's excellent cooking style and married it to our family traditions and she became, very early on, one who could hang right there with the best of them. And, while she doesn't do as much of it as she once did when the kids were still at home, she still knows how, and she still does put on a spread that Granny Mac would be proud of. Don't I think all this emphasis on food is a little over the top? Sure it is. But, it's my recollection of how it was over the years for me, and food was a HUGE part of our times together, and Lord willing, we will continue those traditions this coming Thursday. And I do add a hearty Amen to that!

I'm not knocking those who order up their Thanksgiving meal from the restaurant. I'm not saying those who use the drive-through on this special day are somehow less than me. That can be their tradition or no doubt in some cases necessity dictates how things might be done. My boasting, hopefully, done in a humble manner, is because of how special it is to enjoy the whole range of thoughts, feelings, and experiences that flood one's soul during these special holidays. How serious is all of that? Pretty serious since I'm sitting here drooling over the thought of enjoying once again some cornbread dressing which has helped define our celebrations over the years. And, we do our best to hand down these same traditions. We do have wonderful additions to our family over the years and they have brought their special dishes to the table, so to speak. So, bottom line, we are blessed with the memories of the past and we are blessed with the anticipation of another time of us all being together. At the same time, we are aware that pain, hurt, loneliness, and countless difficulties do not take any holidays. They surround the lives of many today and far too many, because of circumstances, will face the holiday with a much different perspective. Maybe looking at it from a hospital room or having to deal with the loss of a loved one at this very time of the year. We do not overlook the reality and we pray God's provision of peace and comfort into the hearts of all who are dealing with such in their lives. Now we move on as we get ready to get ready and that is also a part of the blessings God has allowed us to enjoy. Until next time, don't forget to make a list because you will need all of those special items for Thursday's feast. May God bless each one. Amen.     ...More later.

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