Thursday, December 12, 2019

"One way to solve the traffic problem is to keep all the cars that are not paid for off the streets." ~ Will Rogers

It's Thursday, December 12, 2019, and, we resume our Santa program in progress for this evening. After 8 consecutive appearances, both the wife and I really looked forward to yesterday, Wednesday, on the calendar. Didn't have to suit up. We were ready for a break. I do again thank everyone who prayed for our son Jimmy. He is now at home with a PICC line to continue administering strong antibiotics over the next 6 weeks. We thank God for His provision. What did we do with the day off from our Christmas performer duties? Believe me, there is always plenty that needs to be done. I am way behind on my general office work. Our house needs some attention. And, we do have our Christmas family celebration to prepare for. I can't thank my wife enough for her help. Even when she is not showing up as Mrs. Claus, she typically is my driver. That can be challenging, especially getting to some venues during or close to rush hour traffic. Late afternoon, last Tuesday, we had to make our way across the metroplex. We used the toll roads, but, they have accidents too. It was rainy and the crazies had come out to play on the roadways. She pretty much stays calm, cool, and collected. Me? Not so much. We were delayed a couple of times, but, made our destination with about 10 minutes to spare. One recent late afternoon trip was memorable. We live maybe 5 miles from the interstate. That evening it took us 35 minutes just to get to the feeder. It reminded us of one of the reasons we left Southwest Houston in 1976. Mind-altering congestion. Guess what? It's no longer a coming attraction. It's here!

Looks like the Congressional Democrats are intent on passing out some coal as Christmas presents. Especially, as it concerns President Trump. Everyone talks about how this entire impeachment debacle is bad for our country. Those testifying on behalf of impeaching the president are somewhat tainted since they all have established track records of hating Donald Trump. That is the only consistent thing I see being presented to the public, a hatred for President Trump. Most legal analysts that have a semblance of non-bias say there is no way the two counts being pushed by the Democrats rise to the level as outlined in our US Constitution, reflecting high crimes and misdemeanors. My personal view is this. The Democrats have a horribly weak lineup in terms of those seeking the presidential nomination. Unbelievably so. They have read the tea leaves. They have no shot. Therefore, this impeachment fiasco was their only alternative. For them, they had better hope folks don't hold them accountable for a huge expenditure and waste of time, and even more potentially damaging, for using political expediency as a way of thwarting the will of the people who elected Donald J. Trump, in an election executed based on the laws that govern our nation. Trying to oust someone from the highest office in the land because you hate them is not constitutional. That's how I see it. And, as always, I am typically unanimous in my own opinion.

In case you are wondering if I have spent any and all of my free time watching the associated hearings, the answer would be pretty close to a big fat zero. As they used to say back where I come from, "I've got better ways to spend my time." Could this turn out to be a big problem for the President? We are talking about Washington DC, and, if anything, we all have learned not to discount the lunacy that prevails there. The Speaker of the House recently opined how she couldn't hate President Trump because of her Catholic faith. She is a rabid pro-abortionist, but yet she refers to her Catholic faith? There are some of her own Churches that would not offer her communion due to her open defiance of Church doctrinal beliefs. Oh well, here again, it's Washington. They really speak only one language there and it's pretty much an unknown tongue called politicalease. You are right. It does come out of both sides of their mouth, and, yes, it is not limited to the political stripe, Democrat or Republican, one wears. New folks come in talking in a language their constituents speak, however, within a short period of time they learn the new language of the governing class. Maybe I should make this last paragraph an addendum to the opinion piece I started above. And, yes, I will admit there is a fair amount of skeptical sarcasm included. Maybe even dripping with it. Okay. I know my wife will be glad I'm done with all of that. One last reminder. God knows. God cares. God has the final say. On everything. Everything! Amen. ....More later.

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