Monday, November 19, 2018

You have no idea what I have to put up with!

What's not to love?
Hello and welcome to Monday, November 19, 2018. I bring you greetings from the self-inflicted world. Just joking. Three days straight in the Santa chair only confirms the fact that I do not want to do the mall deal. I can only imagine how their 8, 10, and near the end, 12-hour stints on a daily basis might go. I mean, sure, I did it myself, (Sears, Memorial City), but, that was a long time ago. I was in my mid-twenties at the time. I also pretty much considered myself invincible, and, more than anything else, we needed the extra money. The other day in the studio I finished an incredible series of photos with a young man. He had done wonderfully. They told him he could give me a hug and tell me goodbye. He did that, but, then he loudly blurted out, "Okay, now! Can I now go see Mrs. Claus?" Now, wait just a cotton picking minute. You're telling me that after spending 15 minutes of quality time with the Big Guy himself, this little dude is ecstatic about going to see Mrs. Claus? Who do they think I am? Rodney Dangerfield in disguise? His mom looked at him, then she looked at me and shrugged her shoulders. To add insult to injury I now get the sympathetic shrugging? P-L-E-A-S-E! Even the photographer commented on it. Oh well, my mamma told me that some days would be pretty rough. But, being shown up by Mrs. Claus, she never once told me that!

Please don't send me any Dobson books on how to love my wife, or, some contact information for someone you think who might be able to help me. First, and foremost, I do love my wife and I do my best to demonstrate that to her in keeping with the mandate given by God, ("Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..." Ephesians 5:22) I don't always accomplish this but that is my desire. Secondly, I only joke around about her and how the kids love her so much. It hardly bothers me at all. In fact, it doesn't really bother me, bother me, bother me, one bit. It is all in good fun. I have to tell the truth. I spend 15 minutes in the professional studio with each child or group. She actually entertains them until the parents view the proofs and make their choices. At times she is surrounded by children. And, in all fairness, I did, (you can ask her), tell her how I believed she worked harder than me in our time in the studio last Friday. I still remember the year she wasn't able to be with me at one of the major venues we do each year. She was recovering from some surgery. We've done that program for years. So many of the ladies there came by and told me they knew I was having a tough time without my Mrs. Claus and how sorry they were for me and for her not being able to be there. What's the deal? Did they all get together in a back room and agree to go and try to cheer up the sad little Santa? They, just so you know, were right. I always. I always do much better when she is with me. I just didn't know it showed that much.

I want to send out a huge thank you to the wife's sister, Dorothy, for coming and spending a couple of days to help decorate our place for Christmas. I also thank my wife for doing the tree. The two of them together, known as twins born 18 months apart, make a wonderful team. It's pretty amazing just to be around these two. But, you would have to see it to understand. It's something I've had a front row seat for viewing for 50 plus years. We did all of this early so we can invite some friends in to make selfies for their Christmas cards. We did it last year and it worked pretty well. Finding the time will be the challenge. Everyone is so busy and our schedule is pretty hectic this year. But, they did a fine job and it is ready for photos when we can arrange it. I know many are busy getting ready to get ready for the Thanksgiving Day celebrations. Us too. We are already talking about it and making plans. Let's all do our best in the midst of the hustle and bustle to remember that it is about being thankful. In our world, that means being thankful to God. We have so much to be thankful for, but, we don't always take the time to rehearse our thankfulness back to our Heavenly Father. This week can help us to remember to remember. I am thankful and pray His blessings on us all. Amen. ....More later.

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