Monday, November 5, 2018

“The chief beauty about time is that you cannot waste it in advance. The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you, as perfect, as unspoiled, as if you had never wasted or misapplied a single moment in all your life. You can turn over a new leaf every hour if you choose.” ― Arnold Bennett, UK Author, (1867-1931), Nobel Prize for Literature

Good morning and welcome. I bring you greetings from the Home Office to wherever you happen to be. Thanks for showing up for today's briefing. It is Monday, November 5, 2018. I think one of the desires we have as sojourners is to make a difference while we are occupying space here on the planet. This is even more so in the life of a believer since that is our calling. My posting about my retirement from the public workplace on Facebook received a large number of congratulations, flattering words of compliment, and some testimonies of how I had made a difference. First and foremost, I highly recommend that anyone be real careful thinking too highly of themselves. I know first hand how that can be a very dangerous choice. However, I am overwhelmed by those who took the time to specifically mention things I had done that had helped them along the way. That was a big WOW! to me. Who gets the credit? Our Pastor likes to say it like this: Anything you see that originates in me that is sinful, well, that's my fault, however, anything I do for God and His glory, well, He is the one who gets the credit and it can have a lasting impact. One lady wrote how that I had been blessed to have been able to achieve such a long number of years in the workplace. I went to grade school and high school with her. She should know. Her husband was a man of God who pastored the Lord's Churches. He suffered a horrific accident where he was burned almost beyond recognition. When he recovered enough, he continued serving. It did take a toll on his life and he went home to glory a number of years ago. When she said I had been blessed she was right and I told her that. I am thankful that some of what I have done has been a help to others. I commend to each of us our need to focus on those things that do just that, for the honor and Glory of God. Amen.

Tomorrow is election day. What a privilege to participate in our representative democracy. Yes, even with all of its flaws we still proudly stand up for the American Way. Imperfect, and subject to being abused and manipulated, but, God provided, and you and I can carry on the legacy left to us by doing our civic duty. Will I be happy to see those nasty and mean-spirited political commercials go bye-bye? YES! When people announce their candidacy they typically pledge to not go negative. Somewhere along the way, their advisors make it clear that 'negative' is still the most effective tool in running a campaign. I am thinking of one race in particular. The challenger came on the scene selling a positive message. Everything was about optimism and hope. The last two weeks he has made TV spots that are almost cringe-worthy in their attacks against his opponent. What changed? I'm not completely sure but being behind by 5 or more percent in the most trusted polling has been a likely factor. We didn't vote early. We typically don't. Our polling location is within a block of our home. I look forward to walking down the street to cast my vote tomorrow. It's the right thing to do.

I know we are all put together differently. Some more different than others. Last Thursday I accompanied the wife to her eye appointment. I did. That's one of the things that retired people do. While at the clinic, I observed some pitiful sights. My heart went out to those who had such obvious impairments and health challenges. Okay. Confession time. I couldn't help but wonder how long before I'm the one who causes others to have those thoughts of pity and compassion. With this weather cool down, the wife was chilled in the low 50's temps with a wind blowing. I more or less reminded her of what Paw Paw Mac would have said, "What in the world are you going to do when it does get cold?" We laughed. Granny Mac always hoped she would live at least until the day she saw me get cold. She didn't live to see that happen, therefore, on a really cold day, I walk out on our driveway and look up in the sky and say, "Not today Granny!" The wife offered that I would be cold the day I died. I thought about that and it made me smile because I would be able to tell Granny Mac, "I am and it's TODAY!" Too morbid for you? Tune in tomorrow. Maybe it will be different. We all will have to wait and see. Yes, even me. Take care, and may God add His blessings. Amen. .....More later.

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