Thursday, November 29, 2018

Lyrics to the chorus of the song, He's Still Working on Me, written by Joel Hemphill: "He's still working on me To make me what I need to be It took him just a week to make the moon and stars The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars How loving and patient He must be 'Cause He's still workin' on me'."

Good morning and welcome to where it seems the only thing that never gets tired is time passing. It's Thursday, November 29, 2018, and I do hope that you are doing well. I have been working with a new webcam camera and the other day I made a test video and noticed that chalk drawing of me in the background. It was done back in the mid to late 1970s. It hung on my mom's photo wall in her den for many years. I got it back after she and dad passed on to their reward. I don't know why but seeing that image in the background of the video caused me to pause and think about all that has transpired in what, looking back, seems like a very short period of time. Don't get me wrong. The transition to becoming the Jolly Old Elf himself was intentional. However, the change still stops me in my tracks. There is at least 40 years difference in the two representations. As far as the video camera is concerned, I really am early in learning how to use it. I did make a 4-minute test devotional video and shared it with a group of folks and it was very well received. There is the possibility of doing custom videos as Santa for individual families and I might do some trial and error on that as well. It could become another product offering as part of our Santa Enterprise. One thing I will say about the two images. I am not the same person I was in the chalk drawing, and, I'm thankful for some growth, but, at the same time, I'm still growing and developing because it is a day by day process. And, yes, thank God, He is still working on me! Amen.

I think we all know there's plenty of hypocrisy to go around, however, sometimes the way it appears is both cruel and sad. You may have read about the young Christian missionary who went to a very remote island in India to try and reach some native people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was killed by the indigenous people there. A number within the liberal left-leaning media opined how he actually got what he deserved. One went as far as to say the arrow that pierced his body did not kill him, it was his own pride and arrogance. He was used as a metaphor for how Christian missionaries have acted in history in imposing religious beliefs on people groups who had previously gotten along well without their message. He was said to have been an intruder who came into their territory as an unwanted trespasser. Many within the Christian missionary world concede that he could have perhaps used better judgment and different methods, but, how could anyone question his zeal in doing his best to fulfill the calling God placed on his life? My point? Wait for it. Wait for it. Here it is: This is about a bias against Christianity, pure and simple. These same liberal outlets applaud those who intrude into our country illegally. You can find out more about this faithful witness by looking up the many reports associated with his death. His name: John Allan Chau, from Washington State. He was killed by the people who inhabit a remote island off of India, named North Sentinel.

In case you missed it, the previous paragraph did contain my own interpretation, based on the way I see it. You would be right to say that no one is entitled to their own facts, but, everyone is entitled to come to their own conclusions having seen or heard the facts presented. You, my friend, can do the same. Or, at least, that's the way America has worked in the past. When I read about some of these rules being imposed on students at different universities, especially those that target religious beliefs, one wonders how long freedom will ring in our land of the free and home of the brave. One response to a question about how these rules restrict freedom had to do with their overall concern for inclusiveness which trumps individual freedoms. They agreed their rules trampled on the rights of some students, however, in today's world, it's how it goes. That, to me, is a very slippery slope. Very. Yet, I don't know why we are so surprised as believers. These types of matters are outlined in The Scriptures and are being fulfilled before our eyes. What can we do? Stand up for what we believe in and continue to trust in the God who will make all things right, in His own time. He is aware. And, He cares. Have a good rest of the day and Lord willing I'll see you next time where I hope to be sending out a new episode from The Home Office. May God bless. Amen. ....More later.

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