Friday, June 1, 2012

Praying and hoping for change.

Made it to Friday and I welcome you to the first episode of today, June 1, 2012. I think at times how that one day in the future that one of my great great grandchildren doing research may happen upon this bundle of blogs that I have accumulated. Sadly, given the drift in our societal mores, they could likely think the views I have espoused in these nearly 1300 daily visits are not just politically incorrect, but more likely they will think I must have lived in prehistoric times. That's the way it will be unless something changes. Those who promote this popular brand of no fault living where anything and everything is okay gladly report how the younger generation will soon make obsolete those of us who stand for traditional Bible based values. They can hardly wait. You know me. I have a verse for them. "Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; But happy is he who keeps the law." (Proverbs 29:18, New King James Version, NKJV) The context of this verse teaches that when there is no vision of God's Word applied to day by day living, ruin follows. History documents this to be true in nation after nation that chose to set aside both the inherent morals of conscience, as well as the explicit teachings the Creator has given to His creation. Unless something changes. It can. I pray that it will. For the sake of those who will follow this 'obsolete' generation.

I am not down and out but I am concerned. Sometimes it seems like those who are hell bent to usher in changes that spit in the face of God are rubbing their hands as they anticipate that day when folks like me will be a thing of the past. I'm not talking about myself as if I have any notoriety, but rather it is the remnant of those willing to just say no to those things that God says are evil. Those like myself are not portraying ourselves as being perfect or faultless because we know the truth. We are fallen and even as children of God made that way because of being saved by the blood of our Savior, we are prone to wander and to wobble in our walk before our God. Yet, we were handed down faith that engenders fidelity to God and His word from those who preceded us, even as they were given the truth from their predecessors. This is God's plan. My fear is that the hand off may not be received going forward, at least not in any broad sense of the word. While many proclaim a world without religion (God) will be a world of freedom and liberation, I believe it will be a world dominated by lust and depravity. Just so you know, I don't desire that kind of world for my offspring. Under the guise of toleration we are hastening a day of reckoning with Almighty God. It's not just my right to stand up for these truths, it is my duty, and believe me, I know how unpopular it is to do so. I'm not immune to those, even close to me, that are unhappy with my comments, but in the end, I must do what I can to influence those God has given into my sphere of contact. May God help is my prayer. Amen. 

Our Madi girl!
This is not an abstract preoccupation. I have some wonderful reasons that I think about when this stuff is on my mind. My grand kids of course. My great grand Madelyn Joy. But especially her children and their children. Just about the time we get warmed up to our little Madi then we miss seeing her for several weeks and we have to start over again. It's worth the effort. She was at the birthday bash at Chuck E. Cheese's and she had a ball. She particularly liked the icing on the birthday cake. I inquired to her MiMi about the advisability of her eating just the icing since the same MiMi was feeding it to her from more than one piece of cake. I was informed that Madi enjoyed it and after all she would not be going home with us. Oh my. Wind her up as tight as you can and see how fast she can run? I suppose that is a prerogative of the grand parent and maybe even more so for the Great Grand MiMi. Yes, I am concerned about generations that are yet to make their way here in our land. I know it is in God's hands and I know that He can take care of it a whole lot better than I, however, it does make me want to do all I can while I still have time. Now that I have that out of my system, it's time to say goodnight Gracie. May God bless each one. See next Monday, Lord willing. Amen.         .....More later.

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