Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It's not only a small world but it continues to be a dangerous one as well.

Greetings friends and neighbors. I suppose that's what the internet is bringing to us today. Many cyber neighbors. Pen pals but on an immediate and interactive real time basis. If it's causing the world to come together in peace, well, the news hasn't caught up with that development yet. It is Wednesday, June 13, 2012, and I am still here clicking and clacking my way along. I heard a series of reports the other day about the rub off effect of how we as a nation are conducting our affairs. Other countries do pay attention to us. They were talking about how many would love to get their hands on some of those drones we use to target terrorists and enemies. The revelation that our President actually has a kill list with specific names on it of those considered to be our enemies has caused quite a stir throughout the world. If the American President can have a kill list then others wonder why they can't have one too. We probably wouldn't take kindly to Russia or China sending in a drone to eliminate someone living in our country that they consider to be an enemy of their state. Our response? It's different when we do it because of the war on terror, or because our kill list is justified, or because we are the super Super power. Some believe we will no doubt end up dealing with those who become copy cats of how we operate, and, we may not like the results. You know. It's like us parents telling our children to do as we say, not as they see us doing. Observers believe these security matters were revealed in order to boost the President's macho credentials but we all are well aware of that boomerang effect and it often comes back stenciled with the words: Unintended Consequences.

And you thought that droning had something to do with my blogs everyday, as in 'droning on and on'. See there. That's the beauty of blogging out on the www electronic information highway that runs throughout the world. You can become a self appointed commentator on any subject you choose. I am no doubt thought of by some as being a diehard Bible thumping redneck conservative based on what they read in my blogs. I wouldn't agree with all of that but I understand how that we tend to affix labels as people express their point of view. Believe me, there are just as many people out their blogging their hearts out who espouse a very different worldview, a very different take on the issues of life, and they are very sure they are right. See, I told you that most of us have something in common, we all think we are right. Just joking. On matters of politics and preferences we can take different sides and still be respectful of each other. When it comes to thus says the Word of the Lord, I happen to believe there's not much wiggle room, therefore, this is the great dividing line. Standing up for biblical principles in a world increasingly aligned against what these principles mean in everyday life can be challenging. Some wonder who died and left me in charge because of my viewpoints. I couldn't agree more, but in response I can only say it is He who died and was buried, rose again, ascended into heaven, and He is ultimately in charge of all things regardless of whether you or I recognize this for what it is: The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Amen.

I guess I woke up on the serious side of the bed today. I heard growing up that when I wasn't acting just right that I had gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. My mom's remedy was two fold: Get back in there in get up on the right side of the bed and/or I had better straighten up and fly right. There was quite a bit more to the and/or but switches and belts are no longer deemed to be appropriate in our non-violent age. Non violent? With grand kids in and out of our home we get a steady diet of what passes itself off as children's programming. Watch that stuff for a few minutes and you will likely see someone evaporated or blown up. But, we wouldn't want to injure the child's psychological profile by spanking. If spanking, which we never called spanking when I was a kid, it was whipping, but if it caused psychological damage, therefore, in my case, you are reading information from a seriously damaged individual. By today's standards we were never physically abused, however, we did appreciate the painful learning experience that came when the proverbial board of education was applied to our seat of knowledge. I thank God today that I was disciplined as a child. It was and is His will. In fact, He instituted this type of training for our good and as an illustration of how He lovingly corrects His own dear children. This is beautifully illustrated in a passage found in Hebrews Chapter 12. What happens when we end up thinking we know better than God? We don't discipline as God has instructed and we lose the value of that correction along with the illustration He wanted us to understand. That same passage makes it very clear that no one enjoys when correction is applied but later the fruit it produces brings forth fulfillment and joy. And, I say Amen to that. Have a great day and may God bless each one. Amen.     ....More later.

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