Thursday, August 25, 2011

Did you hear the one about . . . . . .?

Yes, folks, it is me again, and I've been busy just reading the jokes about the earthquake over in the Washington, D.C. area. One said it happened there because it was on one of the Bush fault lines and the President was sure to blame it on Bush. Others talked about it being the result of our founders rolling over in their graves. Some even said it gave the economy a small boost because when they evacuated all the government offices they were no longer there to do harm. And, it goes on and on and on. Well, it is Thursday, August 25, 2011, and you will have to admit that we Americans have a pretty decent sense of humor, most of the time. Making jokes about our politicians, our government, taxes, and all things related, well, it's sort of like an American tradition. Long before Will Rogers and the stand up comedians of our day folks were making and telling jokes about their elected officials. Since we as a nation really are the melting pot of the world, much of the earliest humor reflected on ethic identity and background. Yeah. I know. Today that is all messed up with the politically correct folks who are trying to wipe the smiles off all our faces. But, I've not contributed yet to any of the jokes about this most recent earthquake but I am impressed with the speed of those who have. I might even come up with a good one and if I do, I'll be sure to share it with you. 

The other day when I shared with you the way in which newscasts are invoking the term "of Biblical proportions", I certainly didn't know about the earthquake or the imminent threat posed by Hurricane Irene. Talk about timing! I actually saw some live footage of folks who were on camera when that earthquake hit. One fellow was in the middle of making a commercial for his local business. Hello? While it really was no laughing matter, this taping quickly turned into something suitable for America's Funniest Videos. Others involved news people doing live interviews when it hit. Pretty scary stuff. I should know. I was in San Diego many years ago at a conference when a 5.9 hit. It rolled around enough to cause panic in a huge meeting room with several thousand people out of control. For those of us who had never been exposed, it was about as frightening as it gets. When the ceiling tiles are clattering above you and the earth beneath your feet is rolling under you, it does get your attention. We were blessed that no one was injured although several did experience breathing distress and some even thought they might have had a heart attack. I was one of those who came back to Texas with some chest pains that I didn't have before I left. It turned out to be an inflammation issue but as the doctor said, "Your heart is fine but the thought alone could kill you." That's kind of how folks were processing that earthquake up in D.C. It didn't do that much damage but no one knew at first what it was, another 9-11, or a major pipeline explosion, or what? I can still remember how I felt so I do feel some compassion for those similarly impacted, but that doesn't mean we can't still joke about it. Right?

This past Tuesday evening we had our kick off planning meeting for our inner city Bible Club ministry. This season will mark the 16th year of the Crosstrainers Bible Club. I begin my 13th year of association where we seek to share Christ with many inner city kids. God has blessed. What started with just a very small number of leaders has grown into a tremendous outreach ministry. The True Light Baptist mission had 15 of their leaders at the kick off meeting. What a huge blessing that is. They could easily do without me and some of the others who come from outside the community but we've become attached to them and them to us. I have said before and will say again that participating in this ministry has been one of the great blessings in my life and I count it a privilege to serve alongside Bro. Kim and his people. Many of the children we minister to come from hard to imagine, difficult surroundings. You would have to be there. However, we have seen many over the years who have learned their verses, and then God would take His word and bring them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Some of those same little ones sat in that meeting last Tuesday but no longer as clubbers because they are now leaders. If you think I'm a little choked up about that, you would be right. Going there each week during the school term makes us to be reminded that the Gospel is for everyone and you can never take it to the wrong address. Please say a prayer for this ministry as we begin again to do our best, with God's help, to make a difference for time and eternity in the lives of these children. Amen.      .....More later.

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