Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Now I have an excuse for why my clothes don't match!

With all due respect to Shakespeare and Julius Caesar, I bid you an invitation: "Friends, Americans, and countrymen, lend me your eyes." on this Tuesday, February 16, 2010. A funny thing happened on my way to growing older. Now that's a category I could not have dreamed as being anywhere on my radar screen just a few years ago. However, there are so many reminders from my close relatives like Uncle Arthur (Arthritis), Cousin Bursi (Bursitis), and a whole host of similar friends and neighbors that make a lot of noise to remind me that I am moving on down the road. My mom who will soon be 86 tells me about a particular ache or pain and I can easily understand from experience what she is talking about! What's up with that? I should be happy I've yet to get the cell phone call from my wife telling me to be careful because some nut driving a vehicle like mine is going the wrong way on the freeway. And, she has not yet heard me respond by saying how that news was nothing since where I was driving I was actually meeting hundreds of idiots also going the wrong way. Not yet. There is always something to be thankful for!

Last week we donated to a local charity, or rather we junked, some small appliances and some computer equipment. There were three old personal computer monitors. I'm talking about the old ones that occupy over half the top of your desk. They were located upstairs. The pickup point was out on the front porch area. This required these units to be moved from upstairs to the pickup point. I did the moving part but one of the three was extremely heavy weighing about the same as a small refrigerator. However, one of the things that happens to you when you get older is how you forget to remember what you might ought not to do. Getting that monitor off the floor was a real challenge but that was nothing compared to negotiating it down the stairs. I made it and they did pick it all up and I was glad. However, when you have the wear and tear I've accumulated you will surely notice how that doing something like that becomes the gift that keeps on giving. Why did you have to go and get your hips all stirred up? Why did you have to figure out if you could still experience lower back pain? Or as my companion of nearly 46 years would say: "What were you thinking?"

Part of the key to being able to keep it all in perspective is in keeping a good sense of humor. I can be happy that I have yet to reach the point where a night out does not always mean sitting outside on the porch after dark. I can be happy because I haven't reached the point where I've given up all my bad habits and still feel terrible. I can be happy because at least thus far it doesn't take me longer to rest than it does for me to get tired, although I can see this as a coming attraction. I know the old advice about one being only as old as they feel. Hey, that's a non-starter for me, especially after doing my audition for heavy lifting last week. How about being young at heart? That would be a really good one if I could only remember what it was like when I felt younger. Just kidding. There are many advantages to being granted a long life. One of the greatest has to do with how it gives us longer to serve the Lord and influence others with the knowledge and experience God has given to us. It also gives us so much more to talk about which you will notice I take full advantage of each and every day. Quoting Tiny Tim from A Christmas Carol: "God bless us, everyone!" Amen. ......More later.

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