Monday, May 18, 2009

Mixed Up Mutterings on a Monday!

Welcome to Monday, May 18, 2009. Why don't you come on in and sit for a while and let's just visit for a few minutes before the busyness of life begins to claim our time? We're off to a fine start here in this area with an unexpected cool down giving us temps in the mid fifties this morning. It was a good morning to ride with the widow down and take in the air conditioning provided by our great God. It's only supposed to last for a couple of days but I'm going to soak up as much as I can because we all know what's facing us just around the bend - - summertime! We all will be looking for a place under the shade tree then. We have also been blessed with some timely rain that has really helped our new lawn. We had the entire front yard scraped off and replanted with grass due to damage from the hurricane. We had heard all kinds of war stories about how that some people have to plant grass more than once to get it started but we have been blessed with a tremendous amount of rain, especially the week it was planted. Yeah, we have also poured out a huge amount of water, more like August's bill, but we did not want to have to start over on this project. It may not make it through the summer but right now it looks like it has been there for a long time and it is lush and green. We thank God for the rain.

However, we are aware that someone else may not have needed the rain. They may have been into a different project where the rain interfered. We are all on our way here on the planet but essentially we are on different tracks in trying to get the things done that pertain to our own business. What brings us together? We do have a common heritage here in this country called freedom. No matter where our ancestors came from we Americans share a bond rooted in liberty and individualism. You like hot weather. I love the cold or I used to love the cold, now maybe I love the cool. Us older people can't seem to make up our minds. But that's okay. We can change our minds. I never cared about retirement matters but when I see a headline on it now it gets my attention. Different but bound together by principles we hold dear. For those of us who are believers we are a part of the family of God and all believers everywhere are our brothers and sisters in Christ. Red, brown, yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight and they should be in ours also!

As I drove in this morning I saw a lonely coyote who crossed in front of my car. He was most likely making his way back to his den after having been out foraging for food. Later I came across an ambulance on the country road where I drive to work. It was strange to see that vehicle a little after 4 a.m. with its blinding red and blue lights flashing so brightly. As I made my way around the emergency vehicle I noticed some people on the front porch of a small home. The attendants were inside and I immediately thought how it could be any of us needing that kind of attention. We are all a part of the human family and we all have needs. That vehicle was an impediment to me being able to get on with my life but it surely wasn't nearly as much of a problem to me as it was to whomever they were there to help. The person needing the ambulance was one of the nearing seven billion who breathe air on the planet. We are a part of this human race and God so loved us all that He sent His one and only Son to die that we might be able to spend eternity in His presence. So today I would suggest we all view the interruptions and slowdowns that tend to aggravate us and consider them in light of the big picture. My wife and I used to sing a song that put it this way: "Maybe it's you and then maybe it's me, who'll be the next to face eternity? When the day has come and gone He will call somebody home, maybe it's you and then maybe it's me." May God help us all to serve Him in this, the day that He has given to us! Amen. .....More later.

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