Monday, June 10, 2019

“Whoever said you can't buy Happiness forgot little puppies.” ― Gene Hill

Okay. I'm back. Are you back? It is Monday, June 10, 2019, and I am reporting for blog duty. The move 'The Secret of Pets 2' opened last Friday. We went to see the second showing. The first one was sold out. We bought the old people tickets and for the two of us, it was only $11. That was a nice surprise. We then ordered the special. Large popcorn and large soft drink. The total including tax, title, and other fees, right at $17. That too was somewhat of a surprise but not so nice. We had seen the first movie on the big screen, therefore, we took this one in too. We were in one of those theaters where you can recline. The movie was cute in places. The beginning drug just a wee bit and it wasn't long before I got the elbow and a voice came wafting over the rolling tide, "I don't know if you know it but you are snoring." I said thanks because she was right. I didn't know that I was snoring. They had a little guy behind us who would repeat the punch lines. That was sweet. Lots of kids and lots of moving around because with kids, well, they will have to go. It's a part of their DNA. Typically, right at the crucial scene time. We actually had a good time. Harrison Ford voiced the chief guard dog on the farm whose name is Rooster and his character was a good one. I thought the graphics were really good. The movie was good. The chairs worked well. The wife was happy. That's always a good thing.

Last Thursday evening we hosted one of our Thursday Gathering services where a group meets to sing, pray, fellowship, eat, and hear a portion of God's Word presented. We had a good time. We missed some of our regulars but still had 10 of us who showed up. Somewhere within the process of getting the outside ready and the inside buffed up, the wife of my youth, well, she sustained a back injury. It really showed up big time on Friday morning. She knew she couldn't do much and that's one of the reasons we went to the movie. She was worse on Saturday, and, she wasn't able to attend services at our local fellowship on Sunday. She has to be really bad off not to be in her place at the appointed time. My turn to teach on Sunday was devoted to how folks should live their lives God's way and especially how that should be reflected in Church life. This included a portion where the Apostle Paul dealt with gender roles and responsibilities within the local assembly (Church). (1st Timothy Chapter 2) The class chuckled about my wife not being there when I was teaching this particular subject. In today's world, the Bible teachings on this subject are both controversial and challenged. However, the Creator has the right to do as He pleases and while man and woman were created equal before God, He did give very specific different roles that each should pursue and manifest. Interestingly enough, the Apostle Paul quotes from the creation account to prove up his call for differing roles and responsibilities. That takes us all the way back to Genesis. Back to God's original intent. That's always a good place to go.

Even though Mr. Bentley or as he is now at times called, Sir Bentley Barksalot, Esq., wears a shaggy coat, he still loves the outdoors. On Saturday afternoon, it was 95 in the shade but he still wanted to sit and watch the cars, the kids, and others as they go by our house. Our home is located on the block before the subdivision swimming pool so we do have quite a bit of traffic this time of year. We may have stayed 45 minutes before I had used up all the available air in that part of our yard, but, he would have stayed even longer. I get the idea that he thinks he is in the reviewing stand and they are marching by to honor his presence. That is likely is own secret life playing out as we play along with him. I hear the lady of the house talking more and more about some recommendations she has heard for obedience school. I know what you are thinking. But, what about Bentley? It wasn't really that funny. I currently think he is doing well enough with the home school curriculum he's getting. It's the system where you make it up as you go. Who would have ever thought? I know I didn't. But, as you can see, him being here is a reality, a 24x7 reality. Have a great rest of the day and may God bless us all is my prayer. Amen. ....More later.

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