Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Romans 1:16, As rendered by the New Heart English Bible: "For I am not ashamed of the Good News, for it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes; for the Jew first, and also for the Greek."

Well, well, it is a good day for our conversation. This one falls on Wednesday, June 5, 2019. I saw a montage of the mainstream reporting the day before President Trump's visit to the United Kingdom and London in particular. The theme was how much he was hated and how the citizenry would rise up against him and his policies. It was so over the top, only those who waste a second of their time watching "The View" could grasp anything out of what was being portrayed. Then we have the actual visit. The protests were much smaller even though people were paid and bused into London. The state dinner was regal. The news conference was memorable. President Trump did very well, but, what the mainstream misses entirely is he could have done somewhat poorly and still looked like a winner given their unbelievable portrayal of what would happen. They actually help him because he typically always looks good compared to their predictions. I think many within the rank and file in the UK would agree they are not fans of our current President, however, they can recognize his office and the influence and impact his office has on Great Britain today and more importantly, in the future. The mainstream took up the Obama mantra by painting the picture of an embarrassed country and apologizing to the world for our President and who we are. All I can tell you is the apology tour didn't work that well for President Obama and one would think the mainstream would know that. The bottom line and this is my opinion. It may sound harsh but it's how I see it. Those who are radically against President Trump allow their hatred for him to dictate their actions giving the impression they hate him more than they love our country. My thoughts only.

That little tidbit was a current event topic and I wanted everyone to know that I am still paying some attention, from time to time. If we are not careful we get the idea that all that's happening is negative, bad, and depressing. Not true, folks. Here are some actual recent real headlines that reflect some good news. ~ Hundreds Of Farmers Stay Silent During Auction So Family Can Buy Back Their Family Farm ~ Single Mom's NASA Internship Gets Funded By Strangers ~ An Entire School Learned Sign Language To Welcome A Deaf Kindergartener ~ Student Can't Get A Kidney Transplant Without A Home, So His Teacher Is Adopting Him ~ Hero Motorcyclist Helps Father Get Unconscious Daughter To The Hospital Through Heavy Traffic ~ When This Mailman Retired, The Entire Neighborhood Threw Him A Party He'll Never Forget ~ Two Boys Put Pokemon Hunting On Hold To Help Struggling Elderly Man ~ Man Graduates With Nursing Degree From Same University Where He Worked As A Janitor ~ Woman In Jamaica Returns ATM Cash And Gets Rewarded $1.2 Million For Her Honesty ~ Commencement Speaker Announces He Will Pay Off Class Of 2019's Student Debt ~ Police Officers Build New Wheelchair Ramp For Elderly Couple ~ A Chef Has Been Delivering Free Soup To A Stranger With MS For Over A Year ~ Those can be Googled and found since they are all current in May and June. Here's an even better news story. Last Sunday, a 94-year-old fellow wobbled his way down to my pew. He had a Church bulletin in his hand. He wanted to show me the name of one of our newest members. He had led her to the Lord. She had come to clean and cook for him. He said when they come it is like the Roman guards chained to the Apostle Paul because he will share his faith with them. One day as they were reading a Bible text together he saw tears in this lady's eyes. He asked her if she knew the Lord and was certain that she will go to heaven when she dies. She responded and he led her in a prayer of salvation. He formerly pastored for 65 years. The Gospel is the Good News from God and it is still powerful. And, our testimony is not limited by our age or our limitations! Amen and Amen!

Back when I first started doing my blogs, I tended to be somewhat long-winded with many of them having lots of paragraphs and lots of images. While I cannot claim that I have become more succinct, I did make the change to mostly limit my writing to three paragraphs each day. Not always, but, that is my typical blog. Some days the paragraphs are longer than the norm, (like the one above), however, it ends up being what bubbles up for me each day. I do have direct access to some of my readers and I know how they handle my blogs. My wife, for instance, will typically skip any and all things related to politics. Why? She prefers not to read about it. Her choice. Your choice. My choice. I'm not offended in the least by her doing this. Now receiving a note from her with these encouraging comments, "Blah, Blah, Blah", well, I could probably do without them. Just joking. I do hope you have a wonderful rest of the day and let's rejoice in the Good News that God has given through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. .....More later.

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