Thursday, June 13, 2019

"I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not sure." ~ copied

Yesterday is gone. A new day has arrived. I think it happened while most of us were fast asleep, beginning at the immediate transition past midnight. I started to say at one second past midnight but I know we have some purists in the audience. Therefore here is an overview of the smallest measurement regarding time from a clock: Milliseconds, microseconds and nanoseconds are examples of very small units of time. Planck time is the name given to the smallest known unit of time. It's a little confusing but it measures the amount of time it takes light to travel 1 Planck length (a distance so small that it can't even be measured!), taken from a science kids website. Yes. I am aware there are those who identify as night owls and perhaps they are awake and aware of the changing of the guard to a new day. As for our time together, we mark today's edition as being sent out on Thursday, June 13, 2019. I actually enjoy sending out greetings to folks on social media who are celebrating important events in their lives. I'm not much into the ones that count 3, 6, and even 9-month increments to celebrate on their way to the official one year occasion. Or, the 'soon to be' celebrating postings. They will be celebrating the occasion when they get there, but, do we really need to celebrate the stepping stones on the way to getting there? If that's what people want to do then more power to them. If everybody on social media adopted a celebrate the countdown to any and all important events, well, the congestion and confusion would reign supreme. As if it doesn't already. Like I say, I do enjoy sending a personal greeting or congratulations for a birthday, anniversary, special achievement, and many other types of recognition. I am in the observing business and that was an observation, in case you are wondering. And, it's okay if you weren't wondering because I had it on my mind and that's why I wanted to share it. My wife might say I've gone overboard with the postings regarding our puppy, Mr. Bentley. I may be guilty. Going all those years with a no pet policy, I suppose he has become such an impactful factor on our schedules, literally, 24x7. In mostly a good way. Mostly. Not 100%, but, mostly.

One of the reasons I do a flashback Friday segment each week is hoping my recollections were sharper and crisper some 12 or more years ago. I sometimes think I would like to write about things I've not mentioned from my past, however, that gets harder and harder as the days go by. I have said many times and I very much believe I have some really good material stored away, that, for one reason or another, I am unable to access. My dad's sudden passing when I was seven years old certainly is a part of this, however, there could be other factors too. Add to that the aging process and sometimes those anecdotes from yesteryear become as scarce as hen's teeth. Don't get me wrong. I'm proud that my cataloged blogs include hundreds of stories, some repeated, that reflect upon my growing up days. I have read about people who can remember most of their entire life from as early as 2 or 3 years old. On average, people, when challenged to come up with their earliest memory will flag something from around their 4th year. Scientists tell us that often those earliest recollections may not have happened at all. My point? I suppose I shouldn't fret over trying to find information from my earliest recollections when they may not have happened at all. Think about that. No. Think about almost anything other than that because it would likely be more productive.

We will not be casting a vote for the next President of the United States until Tuesday, November 3, 2020. I mention that because if you watch any of the news media these days you would think we are already running out of time. I think they must have added an elective for those taking journalism courses that teach them how to present breathlessness as a way of emphasizing the onset of cataclysmic events. You know. Things like a new poll. The other day I was listening to a fellow on the radio that hosts a program locally and it does have a lot of political forth and back as part of its format. He announced to his audience that he was going to suspend all calls about politics for that particular afternoon segment. He wanted to just have some fun. He said he wanted folks to call in about their times when they were in school and showed up to find their teacher was absent. This meant a substitute came in to watch over them. He told a few of the antics he and his buddies pulled when this occurred and wanted his audience to join in. No politics. Everything will still be in play tomorrow. He advised them not to call all steamed up because of what this pundit said or that posting read because sometimes we just need a break from all that junk. I couldn't agree more. We all need to just relax a little. I offer this as my own personal public service announcement. Enjoy the rest of your day and don't worry too much about that Planck time sequence since it happens so fast it can't be measured anyway. May God bless. Amen. ....More later.

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