Friday, June 28, 2019

It's Friday. I think a lot of folks are happy about that. To me, it's only the day we have before us.

Today marks the end of a busy last several days. Or, at least I've convinced myself of that. It is Friday, June 28, 2019, and I do bid each one a hearty welcome to today's session. I get this question a lot. This past Wednesday evening at the services of our local fellowship, a fellow came up to me and said something like this, "What are you doing with all the time you now have on your hands?" Without thinking, I knee-jerked this response, "Oh, I stay plenty busy." I then caught myself and corrected that statement, "Busy, but a different kind of busy, not like when I was going to my regular job every day." And, most of you know a lot of my busy these days has to do with trying to raise up a little one. That can be a real challenge. Especially, if the little one is a seven-month-old Shi Tzu puppy named Sir Bentley Barksalot, Esq. I made the mistake of letting him out of my truck the other day without his leash. We had been for a ride. He typically goes with me into the house. This time he decided to bolt. He took off. He would not come to me. He was like a little Tasmanian Devil, darting here and there. It took me about 5 minutes to catch up with him. He got a good spanking, but, I didn't get the idea it bothered him much. Those kinds of run downs cause me to use muscles that no longer have any muscle memory. They forgot a long time ago what it means to be stretched. He will have the leash on, even riding in the truck.

My Sunday morning Bible study, from the mid-2000s.
As many of you know, I have been a Bible teacher for nearly 50 years. Here's something I wrote a number of years ago about the calling to be a teacher of God's Word: "One of the things I am most thankful for is how that God enabled me to be a teacher of His Holy Word. In particular, I know I am privileged to have a calling and to be the recipient of His supplied gift to use in teaching others the Word of God. Yes. I have attended seminary classes. A three-year program. Multiple times. That gave me foundational information but it is not the same as being equipped by God to fulfill the calling He has given. I came to recognize that any effectiveness on my part is due to His working through my teaching, not my ability. He, after all, got the Prophet's attention by speaking to him through a donkey. (Book of Numbers, Chapter 22) Yes. Study is important. Being prepared is always a part of sharing His Word. I've mentioned this many times but I want to say it again. A huge light came on and my approach to this calling changed when He brought to me the insight that my teaching was not to fulfill me personally. I'm not saying it isn't fulfilling work, but, I came to realize the real purpose was to build up others, (edification), through the sharing of God's Word. That may seem like a trivial distinction, but, for me, it totally revolutionized my response to this calling. It did that for me and I believe God has received honor and others have been helped as a result. There's much more to all of this but I think you get the idea. I do have my fair share of regrets in my three score and ten plus years of my sojourn here on the planet. At the same time, I feel blessed beyond measure in the life He has given to me. Room for improvement? I won't even go there and please hold your recommendations on that one for another day."

I deposited the check into my account for the funds from the sale of the house and property in Louisiana. They put a 7 business day hold on the deposit. My niece sent me a copy of the check, showing the funds had been released from the bank there. I talked to a lady at Chase. She was either an American from India or a person in India taking service calls for Chase Bank. Our dialogue was interesting. She called the bank in Louisiana and they told her they did not give out that type of information on the phone. I told her I had a copy of the processed check. She said it didn't matter because she could not remove the hold until or unless she had confirmation. I asked her where the money was. She said it was being processed if they had released the funds. I said I have a copy of the check. She said she had no way of receiving that copy. I asked if she thought the money had gone into a black hole. She said she didn't think so. I asked if it had to do with collecting interest on the deposited funds. She said they didn't do that. She said, at this point, even if the funds get posted to my account, the 7-day hold would stand because it is an 'automatic hold'. It's not as if I need to distribute it today. It's just annoying when I have been with the same bank since we moved out to this area in 1976. That included two predecessor banks before Chase bought out the last one. I probably could make some more loud noises and perhaps get something done, but, I will do my best to wait patiently. I need some work in that area anyway. Take care, now, you hear? Have a great Saturday, and Lord's Day Sunday. We will see what pops up on the screen for Monday, Lord willing. Amen. ....More later.

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